In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:091f5f26-5755-4751-b8e6-8678f0f634d2Post:6d4c033f-a01e-439e-afaa-89ec5816bef0">Re: I judge..</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : I judge people who make judgements without knowing the whole situation. Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]
meh. Without people like that what what would we be talking about? I DON'T I LOVE PEOPLE LIKE THAT.
OK this thread can't die for at least another hour. I had a good judge the other day, but I can't for the life of me remember it. I need to start writing this stuff down.
"Halloween may have loose women scantily clad... But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.
In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : I agree. I think she just has. Really. Bad. Grammar. (?) Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]
or, ya know. Posting on her phone and accidentally hit the space button and it automatically posted a period and the next letter was capital.
Not trying to single you out edie, I just picked yours to quote.
Come on y'all. This is a stupid error to pick out and run with.
In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : I agree. I think she just has. Really. Bad. Grammar. (?) Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]
<div>I think we're all aware of that. It's just funny that someone criticizing other people's level of intelligence would make that kind of error. I really should not have had to spell this out.</div>
In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>: [QUOTE]Guys? I'm not at work. Posted by crfische[/QUOTE]
And what are you going to do with your day off? Wanna come take my Christmas tree down?
I want someone posting from an iPhone to try and post something about etiquette but it autocorrects to dingleberries or someshit. Stupid as it may be I could run with that for quite some time.
Shameful, perhaps, but it's the Friday before a holiday weekend and I'm boredasfuck.
Here's the thing: Suppose a person on food stamps/medicaid sells their LV bag. Technically, you have to report any income. So say that you report it, and they reduce/stop food stamps. Then, the person uses the money from the bag to buy groceries instead of using food stamps. But then the next month, that money is gone, and the person has no way of paying for food. So they apply for food stamps again. Now, not only are they back on food stamps anyway, but they have added to the number of applications to be reviewed, meaning that it will take longer for other applications to also be looked at/approved, causing other hungry people having to wait longer. So it's a vicious cycle that will not be broken by selling one damn bag.
Also? Eligibility isn't just based on the dollar amount of your income, it's based on the % of income that you're paying towards rent, utilities, child/elder care, health care/bills, etc. Someone who makes "good" money may have astronomical health bills that you have no idea about. So get off your fucking high horse.
ETA: sorry I was late commenting, I was playing that game that Fishy posted. And losing miserably.
DJ, I have all three on my nook and I'm so excited! I finally wore my mom down and she bougt them (and loved them, you're welcome Mom). I just have to finish like the last 50 pages of the book I'm on.
"Halloween may have loose women scantily clad... But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.
In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>: [QUOTE]I judge Fishy for bragging. Oh, I judge the 4 stores I have been to in the last 3 days that are ALL out of Mockingjay. I read the first two books in the time I have spent looking in stores for the third book! Posted by djhar[/QUOTE]<div> </div><div>I am on Mockinjay and have heard it's not as good as the first two books. I'm too scared to start it and be sad.
In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:091f5f26-5755-4751-b8e6-8678f0f634d2Post:5ee997d9-4d78-4e88-ab9d-795292ff7de7">Re: I judge..</a>: [QUOTE]Hi Eagles! Europe is cool but I miss the Internet. And I judge stupid slow walking tourists who block sidewalks. Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]
You have no idea what is going on in those tourists' life. They could be poor or something.
In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>: [QUOTE]I judge Fishy for bragging. Oh, I judge the 4 stores I have been to in the last 3 days that are ALL out of Mockingjay. I read the first two books in the time I have spent looking in stores for the third book! Posted by djhar[/QUOTE]
I've got it in epub format, I could e-mail it to you. You just need a reader on your computer for it, like Adobe Digital Editions.
I judge grown adults who won't even read e-mails from co-workers about something important unless their boss is copied in the e-mail and sends them a personal note about getting back to the CW. DO YOUR JOB!
Ok, this is more of an irrational irritation, too, but I have these people in my life who apparently think I'm a mind reader.
They'll be going through something horrible, but NOT TELL me about it, but then get pissed that I didn't contact them or do something when they were dealing with this terrible, horrible, awful, bad thing.
Like...Uh, I'd love to be there for you, but I NEED TO KNOW THAT I NEED TO BE THERE FOR YOU.
In Response to <a href="">Re: I judge..</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : I think we're all aware of that. It's just funny that someone criticizing other people's level of intelligence would make that kind of error. I really should not have had to spell this out. Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]
Oh I know. And you didn't have to spell it out. I just mean, that type of error isn't on the same par of intelligence errors like, "I ain't got no bread" or something. I saw it as more of a stupid phone autocorrect error than a lack of intelligence error.
This one is boring, but I judge the tattoo judgers. I'm not asking everyone to like them, but why do people give a shiit what someone else does with their skin? It also irritates me when people say something about how my tattoos will look when I'm old. Uh, okay? What's your point?
"Halloween may have loose women scantily clad... But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.
Fish -- my mom did that a few years ago. She called me up and told me she was going for medical tests, but don't worry, she was sure it was nothing serious and she'd let me know if they found anything. Two weeks later she called me up and was all "I COULD HAVE HAD CANCER AND YOU DIDN'T CARE." You TOLD ME NOT TO FREAK OUT. Jeezum.
I just got to a part in Mockingjay on the bus on the way to work that made me really really sad. I'm only about halfway through. It's the first and only time I could even slightly understand someone being Team Gale.
Re: I judge..
generic blog link.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : I judge people who make judgements without knowing the whole situation.
Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]
meh. Without people like that what what would we be talking about? I DON'T I LOVE PEOPLE LIKE THAT.
"Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.
Way cooler." - anna.oskar
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : I agree. I think she just has. Really. Bad. Grammar. (?)
Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]
or, ya know. Posting on her phone and accidentally hit the space button and it automatically posted a period and the next letter was capital.
Not trying to single you out edie, I just picked yours to quote.
Come on y'all. This is a stupid error to pick out and run with.
Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.
The Margarita Evolution
Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.
The Margarita Evolution
Duh, Fishy.
"Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.
Way cooler." - anna.oskar
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : I agree. I think she just has. Really. Bad. Grammar. (?)
Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]
<div>I think we're all aware of that. It's just funny that someone criticizing other people's level of intelligence would make that kind of error. I really should not have had to spell this out.</div>
Married bio
Pro pics
Travel and expat life blog
[QUOTE]Guys? I'm not at work.
Posted by crfische[/QUOTE]
And what are you going to do with your day off? Wanna come take my Christmas tree down?
Shameful, perhaps, but it's the Friday before a holiday weekend and I'm boredasfuck.
"Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.
Way cooler." - anna.oskar
[QUOTE]I judge Fishy for bragging. Oh, I judge the 4 stores I have been to in the last 3 days that are ALL out of Mockingjay. I read the first two books in the time I have spent looking in stores for the third book!
Posted by djhar[/QUOTE]<div>
</div><div>I am on Mockinjay and have heard it's not as good as the first two books. I'm too scared to start it and be sad.
ttc chart
BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
generic blog link.
Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.
The Margarita Evolution
Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.
The Margarita Evolution
[QUOTE]Hi Eagles! Europe is cool but I miss the Internet. And I judge stupid slow walking tourists who block sidewalks.
Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]
You have no idea what is going on in those tourists' life. They could be poor or something.
[QUOTE]I judge Fishy for bragging. Oh, I judge the 4 stores I have been to in the last 3 days that are ALL out of Mockingjay. I read the first two books in the time I have spent looking in stores for the third book!
Posted by djhar[/QUOTE]
I've got it in epub format, I could e-mail it to you. You just need a reader on your computer for it, like Adobe Digital Editions.
I judge grown adults who won't even read e-mails from co-workers about something important unless their boss is copied in the e-mail and sends them a personal note about getting back to the CW. DO YOUR JOB!
They'll be going through something horrible, but NOT TELL me about it, but then get pissed that I didn't contact them or do something when they were dealing with this terrible, horrible, awful, bad thing.
Like...Uh, I'd love to be there for you, but I NEED TO KNOW THAT I NEED TO BE THERE FOR YOU.
Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.
The Margarita Evolution
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: I judge.. : I think we're all aware of that. It's just funny that someone criticizing other people's level of intelligence would make that kind of error. I really should not have had to spell this out.
Posted by emilyinchile[/QUOTE]
Oh I know. And you didn't have to spell it out. I just mean, that type of error isn't on the same par of intelligence errors like, "I ain't got no bread" or something. I saw it as more of a stupid phone autocorrect error than a lack of intelligence error.
I'll shut up now :)
"Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.
Way cooler." - anna.oskar
Rosie - Poor people aren't allowed to go to Europe. Unless they sell their kids on the black market to pay for the plane ticket.
ttc chart
BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
Books read in 2012: 21/50
I know her entire situation and I judge her because no matter what she does to screw things up, her parents will bail her out.
I know that's very vague, but I'm concerned that she might be on here since she is recently engaged.