Wedding Etiquette Forum

Irrational Fears


Re: Irrational Fears

  • Daff it was pretty surreal. I also had to keep driving at the same time so it was really crazy. It was like, did that really just happen?

    This is a rational fear, but I am so afraid that it makes it slightly irrational: I am super afraid of hitting a dear and either really hurting myself or dying because of it. I have to travel a rural highway with lots of deer crossing every day to get to work. It is not unusual to see around 4 or 5 new deer PER DAY during the rut, and this is just a 7 mile stretch. If its dark out, I drive with white knuckles and holding my breath the whole time.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]Re: the witching hour/3am, according to Ed and Lorraine Warren it's true. Re: escalators, that fear isn't totally irrational. There have been some gory escalator accidents. <strong>I worry that I'm going to break my neck in my sleep and end up a quadriplegic.</strong>
    Posted by daffodil_jill[/QUOTE]
    I can't believe I forgot that one.  That's probably what scares me the most.  Locked-in syndrome.

    Before we got married (and back when I was still super-anxious and panicky and unmedicated, and thought about these things all the time), I made H promise me that if I ever get locked-in syndrome he'll pull the plug.  I get massive panic attacks just being restrained in an ambulance.  The idea of being trapped in my own body, FOREVER, is my worst nightmare.

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2e810a84-1aaf-464a-8228-89786bfa3793Post:98d7dca2-eee6-4fb3-95bd-fe5e2c2fb0ac">Re:Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]I also think a lot about something happening to H. If he has just left the house and I here sirens a few minutes later I have to fight the urge to call him to make sure he's OK.
    Posted by ILoveMilkDuds[/QUOTE]

    I am so bad at this. If someone is late meeting me somewhere, I think someone either kidnapped them or they've been in a terrible accident.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irrational Fears : I have one of these too - but it is in my console as i cant find any place to stick the sticky pad thingy that came with it - not sure i would find it in my console though - especially if i was in a panic -
    Posted by DMoore421[/QUOTE]

    <div>My console has a removable tray that is right on top, so that's where it is. In winter when the roads get icy, it's not unusual for someone to lose control on the ice and end up in a slough or pond. That is why I have it. I don't go driving on frozen lakes or anything like that. But lots of people do.</div><div>
    </div><div>I need to get one more of those tools, actually. My middle daughter (Nerdy Girl) just started driving and got a little SUV. </div>
  • Re: decapitation.  I will not drive behind trucks with logs or ladders that are on it.  There is way too much of a chance of that. 

    Rational fear- I'm afraid that one day my hair straightener will catch on fire and burn down our apartment.  It has an auto-shut off in case I did actually ever forget, but my poor Sadie would be so helpless if she was alone. :(
  • Showering when H isn't home scares the crap out of me. I am so convinced someone is going to be hiding in my bedroom when I get out.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]WIlly - DH fell into a manhole when the cover broke, so not walking on grates is very rational.  I won't either.  (He was fine; fortunately it was winter and he had on a large jacket and he caught himself with his arms. And omg the foot hanging off the bed - NEVER.  It will be grabbed and I will be dragged under the bed into the depths of Hell.
    Posted by LesPaul[/QUOTE]

    <div>Glad he was OK! Manholes can be scary because of gas build-up, too. They need to be vented properly before going into them. He was lucky! (We used to be in the sewer/drain biz; Have lowered H down manholes on a winch many a time.)</div>
  • Rescue 9-1-1 ruined me DMoore.  I remember when I was playing catch with my dad in our back yard because I was practicing for a lacrosse summer camp and there were a few bees and I ran to the other side of the house screaming.  I had just watched an episode and "saw" a guy get attacked by like maybe 3 million bees.  My dad was all "I'll be damned if you watch that show again!!"

    OMG and the episode where the girl caught her sleeve on the burner (gas stove) and her whole arm went up in flames?  I wouldn't go near the stove for a month and we had an electric stove at the time.  
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irrational Fears : And speaking of creepy books...Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn is by far the scariest book I ever read for kids.
    Posted by lovethebeach16[/QUOTE]
    Ooh, yeah that one was really scary.

    There's another one I remember reading when I was a kid, and I've been unsuccessfully trying to figure out what it is, so if someone knows shout it out. It's about these kids who end up on an island across the water from their aunt's place or something. The island is haunted by a guy named Joshua who was in love with a woman named Amelia and his dog haunted the island too. Anyone?

    I also remember reading a scary one about an ancient Egyptian mummy.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irrational Fears : I let out a little scream when I saw this and my office mate stared at me.  <strong>This guy used to give me nightmares.  I can no longer watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang</strong>
    Posted by dandelionsgirl[/QUOTE]

    <div>That made me giggle. </div><div>
    </div><div>But damn, CREEPIEST character in a kids' story ever! Yikes!</div>
  • There was an Are You Afraid of the Dark episode when I was around 8 that had a kid who was ACTUALLY AN ALIEN AND DIDN'T KNOW IT!  Their parents had found the baby on their doorstep and kept it, then the aliens came back to reclaim the kid.  Since I'm adopted, I was CONVINCED that I was an alien too and was terrified that they were going to come back and take me away.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2e810a84-1aaf-464a-8228-89786bfa3793Post:76fed6c0-f57d-44a5-b3bf-318c738bcfcb">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]Showering when H isn't home scares the crap out of me. I am so convinced someone is going to be hiding in my bedroom when I get out.
    Posted by Natrasha[/QUOTE]

    I'm always worried someone is going to break in while I'm showering if I'm home alone, and then I'll be naked and get raped and killed.  
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  • Drving beside gasoline trucks because I'm convinced they're going to blow up

    Basements because I feel like the house is going to collapse on me

    I'm also convinced that either H and/or I are going to be the victim(s) of some kind of really gruesome crime. Thanks CSI.

    I'm terrified of using a bathroom anywhere but my own home. Even at friends houses and at work I have to must up the courage before I can go in.

    Whenever I shower/take a bath when I'm home alone I'm always convinced some psycho killer is going to bust into my apartment and murder me.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2e810a84-1aaf-464a-8228-89786bfa3793Post:0d084525-8027-416b-9642-b7311d5a2472">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irrational Fears : Ahh the book where the girl wakes up to her room in flames but she thinks shes dreaming so she goes back to sleep and in the end you find out she died in the fire and has been a ghost haunting the new family all along...I didn't sleep for days after reading that. I also couldn't watch Are You Afraid of the Dark? by unless I hid around the corner. Our dining room had an arch with walls that extended out further than the living room did and I would peek around the corner to watch the non-scary scenes. And speaking of creepy books...Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn is by far the scariest book I ever read for kids.
    Posted by lovethebeach16[/QUOTE]

    I have read a bunch of her books (yes an adult, they are fun, quick reads).  They all have pretty good story lines.  All the Lovely Bad Ones is another good one too.


  • I have an irrational fear that if I put my greatest fears on the internet, someone who doesn't like me will find them and use them against me IRL. I once was lying awake after an evening thread and was like, "I shouldn't have shared that fear in there. What if someone who hates me comes and does that to me?" And I got up, logged on, and deleted it. Paranoid, party of me.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irrational Fears : Locked-in syndrome.
    Posted by baystateapple[/QUOTE]
    Oh man I'm terrified of that. H knows to pull the plug if that happens or if I end up paralyzed.
  • Are You Afraid of the Dark always scared me.  My mom would always turn it off on me.  That and "Kablam" or whatever that show was.  

    Irrational fear:  When DB runs around the house like a mad woman and gets out all of her energy I find myself panicky like what if she contracted rabies and is about to eat me?
  • I loved Goosebumps (I own the entire collection actually - my brother gave it to me for if/when I finally get a classroom), Are You Afraid of the Dark and Fear Street. LOVED.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irrational Fears : I'm always worried someone is going to break in while I'm showering if I'm home alone, and then I'll be naked and get raped and killed.  
    Posted by adamar15[/QUOTE]

    Just last week, a thunderstorm started when I was in the shower home alone.  I was convinced the banging noises were someone robbing the house, so I locked the bathroom door, found H's straight razor, got re-dressed (even though I wasn't done showering) and proceeded to search the entire house with the straight razor in hand.  Even though I knew it was just thunder, I didn't KNOW.
  • I freakin' loved Are You Afraid of the Dark!  My mom was pissed at me after my sister and I went to a slumber party and we watched the episode with Nosferatu coming out of the film in the movie theatre.  My sister had nightmares for weeks after that.

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  • I may or may not sleep with a knife and or other sharp object when FI isn't home.  Well, not sleep with because I'd wake up mauled and bloody but I may or may not keep it on my nightstand.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]Two days ago was the 5 year anniversary of the big bridge collapse here. As I've said before, I saw it collapse in my side windows and holy shiiit it was scary. J has done bridge engineering at school and he hates bridges because of it.
    Posted by musicalsunlight[/QUOTE]

    <div>That was horrible. We were watching the Twins game on TV when it happened and they broke in about it. So crazy, even on TV. Can't imagine seeing it IRL. I called my nephew who lives near there and he just answered the phone saying,'I'm alright but holy shiiit,  you should see it.'</div>
  • This is one morbid and sometimes not so irrational. When I was younger, we had a dog that was pretty old.  I was irrationally afraid that I was going to come home or wake up one morning when no one else was there and find her dead somewhere. It never happened and eventually my parents put her down.  But that fear has translated with all of my animals now.  I knew I couldn't handle that situation and I still don't think I can.  Luckily, my cat is never going to die.

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  • Those crazy talking toilets! 

    "Want warm dry or warm wash?  Or just cool air after TP"

    What I would really like is for you to let my but dry in peace!!
  • I'm afraid of showers that aren't mine. Whenever I move into a new place, it takes me some time to not be constantly looking around for something to come out. I'm not quite sure. I HATE showering places other than at home, especially other people's homes. Hotels don't bother me as much but I still look around the entire time I'm in there.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]Re: decapitation.  I will not drive behind trucks with logs or ladders that are on it.  There is way too much of a chance of that. <strong> Rational fear- I'm afraid that one day my hair straightener will catch on fire and burn down our apartment.  It has an auto-shut off in case I did actually ever forget, but my poor Sadie would be so helpless if she was alone. :(</strong>
    Posted by Brandi0714[/QUOTE]
    That's a big fear of mine, with hair tools, the coffee pot and iron.  I think I'm a little irrational about it, though. Luckily H leaves later than I do in the morning, so he can always double check things for me.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2e810a84-1aaf-464a-8228-89786bfa3793Post:7fe12a1f-5abc-41a1-ab05-7928d77315e7">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irrational Fears : Speaking of rescue 9-1-1 - there was an episode when a kid ( well teen ) got his tongue stuck in the freezer because he stuck it out and it stuck to soemthing metal inside  - i am always afraid that will happen to me
    Posted by DMoore421[/QUOTE]

    I remember that episode! The one that really stuck with me was the one where the girl was drinking Yoohoo and got her tongue stuck in the bottle. I swore never, ever to do that again. Eff that.

    And AATB, I know we've discussed the moth fear before, but yeah, screw those guys. Along the same lines, I don't like dragonflies either. Sure, they're beautiful, but they fly so erratically and they have those HUGE eyes, it just freaks me out. The other day, a dragonfly must've gotten caught in our skylight and fried by the sun, so when the a/c kicked on, this petrified dragonfly fell to the ground in our entryway. Yeah, it's still there. My H can dispose of that demon when he gets home.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2e810a84-1aaf-464a-8228-89786bfa3793Post:7dcc5a2e-5c46-43b7-942f-24a450896b25">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Irrational Fears : I'm always worried someone is going to break in while I'm showering if I'm home alone, and then I'll be naked and get raped and killed.  
    Posted by adamar15[/QUOTE]

    And you are absolutely defenseless too! I mean you could throw some shampoo bottles at him I guess,  but you are all wet too so I'm sure any punches/kicks wouldn't land.
  • I'm also afraid to be buried/cremated alive... or to wake up during an autopsy.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Irrational Fears</a>:
    [QUOTE] Daff  - I think I read that. Its going to drive me crazy until I can figure out what its called now.
    Posted by lovethebeach16[/QUOTE]
    If you figure it out let me know! It's been driving me batty.
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