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Ask a knottie anything!


Re: Ask a knottie anything!

  • I love IPAs as well. I wonder if they sell any of the NWPA stuff around here. I'll have to keep my eye out.
  • I also love a good IPA.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • Fishface, you know there are lots of golf courses within minutes of me.  Just sayin'.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:62b0c6fc-b268-4906-b08d-fada3941ffe3Post:4fe98186-bb33-475a-a266-49eb61d8d8f3">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything! : I've done the Duck Tours, the Museum of Science, and the Aquarium!  You have a really nice aquarium :)
    Posted by amys325[/QUOTE]

    We've done those, too.

    I liked the aquarium with the giant tank in themiddle.

    We really need to do the swan boats this year.  We went in September, and they must have just closed, boo!!  So we walked over to the ducklings, instead.
  • That would be very nice Chrissy but you certainly don't have to. I'm sure it's expensive to ship.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:62b0c6fc-b268-4906-b08d-fada3941ffe3Post:5f6170ea-aeca-4c11-895d-37b40f8eb98f">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything! : We've done a bunch of those.  We also did our own walking tour of the city to find some of the unique landmarks like the marker for the 1919 Molasses Flood in the North End, the Cyclorama over on Tremont Street (it originally held the one that is now at Gettysbury NPS) and a handful of others.  My brain is mush right now so I can't think of all them.
    Posted by kjhowd[/QUOTE]

    I didn't know about the cyclorama.  I'll add it to my list.  We learned about the Molasses flood on our Freedom Trail tour.  Unfortunately we started our tour late, so we need to back to Bunker Hill and climb the monument.
  • I am lame I can't think of any questions right now :(
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE] Or if somehow I could get on Hazeltine or Interlachen in the cities area, I might die. But I'm pretty sure I'd have to sign over my first born child and take out a small loan for that to happen. :)
    Posted by crfische[/QUOTE]

    I got paid one day last summer to hang out at Hazeltine and drink beer -- I don't golf, but I could have if I wanted to. This was my view for the day.

    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" class="PhotoLink"> <img src="" alt="" /></a>
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:62b0c6fc-b268-4906-b08d-fada3941ffe3Post:82e15846-c366-430d-b556-001f99bf1d89">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything! : We've done those, too. I liked the aquarium with the giant tank in themiddle. We really need to do the swan boats this year.  We went in September, and they must have just closed, boo!!  So we walked over to the ducklings, instead.
    Posted by MattsPenguin[/QUOTE]

    We've done the Fenway Tour, the Mapparium (very very cool) and the MOS (Museum of Science), though the last time was specifically for the Harry Potter Exhibit.

    I've also done the Freedom Trail.


  • I have a really dumb question for any knottie that wants to answer. What is your favorite horror movie?
  • We keep trying to do the Mapparium, but can't quite catch the hours in time.  I wonder if we should actually go INTO the Cheers bar, too.  We pass by it all the time, but never have gone in.
  • Rach, we went to UF at the same time but me up here in DC. We knew a lot of the same people though, and that's how we met. My friend (and sorority big sis) Julianne had an older brother Dave who was best friends/room mates with Robbie in college. Well Julianne lives up here too and invited me to a party for people from Florida. Robbie was in town looking for a job so Julianne invited him too, so he could network.

    Looking back it's funny that we never met in college because we seriously knew all the same people.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:62b0c6fc-b268-4906-b08d-fada3941ffe3Post:13399b70-b946-4317-9978-a5c0ffa7d6f9">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything! : Easy. NONE. I hate horror movies. I think it's because my older sister made me watch Hellraiser on like my 10th birthday.
    Posted by rachers1017[/QUOTE]

    NONE FOR ME, TOO!!  I stick with my rom coms.
  • Rachers, I love Hellraiser. So much! I love horror movies in general.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have a really dumb question for any knottie that wants to answer. What is your favorite horror movie?
    Posted by eorea[/QUOTE]

    <div>I liked the Saw series because I liked the story behind it.  Some parts made me seriously cringe though.  </div>
  • MrsMack10612MrsMack10612 member
    Tenth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer 1000 Comments
    edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:62b0c6fc-b268-4906-b08d-fada3941ffe3Post:d8ad4dd8-b3c7-46be-b398-a8289f8330dc">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]We keep trying to do the Mapparium, but can't quite catch the hours in time.  I wonder if we should actually go INTO the Cheers bar, too.  We pass by it all the time, but never have gone in.
    Posted by MattsPenguin[/QUOTE]

    We actually took a day off to go do things so that we could catch things when they are open.  It the Mapparium is so totally worth it; all though the maps are extremely out of date.

    Do you mean the real one (Bull & Finch) on Beacon or the Cheers one in Fanueil Hall?  The Bull & Finch is nice, but nothing spectacular.  The Cheers one is just a tourist trap (but I guess that's what we're talking about isn't it?).

    I'm heading home - have a great nite everyone.

    ETA:  The Cyclorama is now a theatre owned by one of Boston's NPO (I think) Arts Groups.


  • I mean the Bull & Finch.  We've eaten at the tourist one in Fanueil Hall.  eh, whatever, it was decent food.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything! : The Shining.  I was in college before I could watch it from start to finish.
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]

    <div>I'll never look at Jack Nicholson the same again.</div>
  • The Shining is classic. I liked the most recent Saw too.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:62b0c6fc-b268-4906-b08d-fada3941ffe3Post:be39b009-2041-40e0-b6aa-ed98673e1c41">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I wanna know what sorority everyone was in (if applicable).  But I totally understand if that isn't info someone wants to release.  Pi Beta Phi, here.
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]

  • Amy, my mom was AOPi.  I was a Phi Rho, along with some other girls on here.

    Anna, my BFF's sister was a TriDelt, and my BFF rolled her eyes every time I quoted that SNL skit. 
  • I don't like horror movies and I wasn't in a sorority.  There were only 3 at my school, so Greek life wasn't really big there at all.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Amy, my mom was AOPi.  I was a Phi Rho, along with some other girls on here. Anna, my BFF's sister was a TriDelt, and my BFF rolled her eyes every time I quoted that SNL skit. 
    Posted by MattsPenguin[/QUOTE]

    Haha. I figured I'd go ahead and reference it myself since I knew someone else would otherwise.
  • No scary movies or sorieties for me.  Boring, Boring, party of me.
  • I'm glad you can laugh about it.

  • Greek life at my school seems like a joke. It would be so cool to have a house and everything but this was just, get together and make brownies.  Then try to sell them to anyone who walked through our campus center.  The fraternities were just as bad. All I think of is the song, "Where dem gurls at?" because that is all they cared about lol
  • She's definitely said it here before.  No worries. :)
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  • I want to play but Im blanking on questions.

    I like The Exorcist but it scares the shiit out of me. I didn't go to a very college-y college so there were no sororities.
  • MattsPenguinMattsPenguin member
    Ninth Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited January 2012
    On the sorority thing, Kate#'s and I were in the same sorority and chapter, and figured out (on here, so I know it's been said before), that she is my grandlittle.  As in my little sister is her big sister.

    Hmmm . . . questions . . . . Meg have you been skiing out west or only here on the East Coast?
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