Wedding Etiquette Forum

Ask a knottie anything!


Re: Ask a knottie anything!

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    Hi Grandbig!

    I'm not a huge horror movie fan, but H loves them.  We've watched all the Saws and all of the Screams many times. 

    Rachers - I'm an engineer too!  can we pretend we know each other? :-) 

    Oh, and no grad school for me.  I was ready to start making those big engineering bucks they promised us after my 4 years...
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Meg, I skiied in Wyoming when I was in Idaho for work.  It was awesome.  I guess if you only do xc, then the difference isn't as noticeable.  A coworker has a house up in NH, and we go every winter to visit or go skiing.  I haven't gone xc, though.  At the rate our snowfall is headed, I don't know if it's a possibility this year.
    Posted by MattsPenguin[/QUOTE]

    <div>We are actually hoping to go this weekend! FI's friend just started XC (always did downhill) and got new skis during the sales last season.  He still hasn't got to use them yet. Norway has tons of sick grooved trails everywhere.  For xc (not skate, which we also do) grooves help you go <em>fast</em>.  And if anyone know anything about me, they probably know that fast is my favorite thing ever.</div>
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    Amy, I really want to see that. We might go this weekend.
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    My parents are not together.  My dad passed away when he was 50 years old.  I was 23.  That was 23 years ago.  Yikers!
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    Im not much for water Ski. I like the beach fine or to visit the river occasionally, but I'm very content to be landlocked.
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    Chrissy, what skiing is near you? I loved western skiing.

    Meg, you have just told me more about xc skiing, than I have ever known.  I see the tracks, but have never done it.  It seems like so much work!
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    I need to leave b/c I'm supposed to be meeting H and I'm gonna be late. 

    But when I come back I'd be curious to know employment situations as in: Have a job just to pay the bills, love what I do, going back to school so I can love what I do, etc.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:62b0c6fc-b268-4906-b08d-fada3941ffe3Post:24a9fb95-6a5b-4212-9325-d6b28a42b6bd">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Ask a knottie anything! : Yes ma'am! Now I know lots of pretty girl engineers!
    Posted by rachers1017[/QUOTE]

    That is what I was thinking.  You are all beautiful.
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    My parents divorced when I was around 3 years old. My mom, sister, and I moved in with my grandparents. My mom died two months before my 14th birthday.
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    To answer my own question, my parents got divorced when I was 12, and my dad passed away when I was 21. It will be 4 years in June, yikes.

    Eorea- How old is your daughter?
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can offer up free housing. ETA:  That was totally to Meg about the skiing thing.  But, honestly, if any of you wanted to visit Bend, you'd fo sho have a place to stay, if needed.
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]

    <div>When I have a job, I'll totally be down.  Tradsies for a run here? Within a few years I want to do the rock and roll half in Prov (btw is that the same as what you did in MS?)</div><div>
    </div><div>Ski2 we live near the water (200m) and FI wants a boat SO bad.</div><div>
    </div><div>Ray, my parents divorced when I was 13.</div>
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    Ski, I grew up on a lake and love being near the water. I like that I get to see the Potomac everyday while I drive to work. I'm not really into boating, but I do feel better knowing that the water is there.

    My parents are not together, they got divorced when I was 11 or 12.

    I really enjoy my job. I'm lucky.
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    My parents divorced when I was 4. Both never remarried.
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    My parents are still together. It'll be 37 years the day before my wedding!  Mom was 18 when they got married and they had only known each other for 3 months.
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    I love my job.  Healthcare is a great place to work.  Very rewarding.
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    Oh and we're always on/at the water.   :)
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    I am going back to school so I can hopefully get a job I love. I do enjoy waiting tables though. There are always good stories to tell, and I have made fantastic friends.
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    Rach, I did my co-op with a transpo company.  I was so bored!  I had to sit around and count cars several times.

    Actually this one time, I was counting cars at this 4 way stop across from an elementary school.  I had to do it from noon-6pm on day, and then 6am-noon the next day.  Well, since it was 6am, I decided to just go to work in my pj pants.  I parked my white minivan at the intersection and started my day.  About 9am, a police officer showed up and asked to see my ID and such.  Concerned parents had been calling the school about this strange vehicle parked near the school.  There I was, in my pjs, explaining to the officer that I was NOT a child molester, but an engineering student with boring work assignments.

    I guess that wasn't boring.
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    MP - it's hard, but it's so rewarding and so much fun. 

    Chrissy that mountain looks amazing!  I had no idea you skied! Makes sense, just never knew. I have never/will never downhill.  
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    Love the water and would find it hard to be land locked.

    Parents still together, 50 years this year.

    What is your (collective you) favorite thing to do when you have nothing required to do?
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    Fezz we are coming down to your water next week.  Well actually Ft Myers Beach to check on a boat FI is having restored.  Woot Woot.  I love "business trips"!
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    She turned 7 in August. :)
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:62b0c6fc-b268-4906-b08d-fada3941ffe3Post:2f8ec834-4c92-4757-a56c-6b63d2739cbe">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Any other knotties that are boaters and/or can't live without being on/near the water?
    Posted by ski2play[/QUOTE]

    Ski, I grew up in a boating community.  But then my parents got a divorce and we had to move and sell the boat.  :(

    My dad just recently bought a sailboat and I have yet to get to see it yet. 

    Someone recently just sent me this picture...

    <a href="" title="Click to view a larger photo" class="PhotoLink"><img src="" alt="" /></a>

    That's my family pre-divorce on our boat in our backyard!
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Ask a knottie anything!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Deal, Meg!!  I did the RnR in Seattle, on about 80% freeways.  The MS Blues is not an RnR.
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]

    <div>Awesome.  And yeah, I just was thinking of the picture with the guitar and was thinking maybe it was.  How did you like the RnR?</div>
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    Trifury- I love to shop. I find it cathardic.

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    Love Ft. Myers, Ski.  I love the West coast better then my coast in general though.
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    I like to read when I have nothing else to do. And cook.
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    Amy that is sweet.  To all the boater/water lovers.  We may need to have a GTG in the 1000 Islands. 
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    I hated waiting tables because I sucked at it.
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    Fezz, we like Ft Myers too, and the Western coast the best.  Considered looking at property there, but then FI talked me into St John, USVI.  But as long as this restoration boat is in Ft Myers, I get my "business trips".
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