Thank you everyone for the tips! (especially @labro)
I'm already setting up a time to view another house too. Location is my number 1, I want to be closer to work/downtown since I spend all of my time there. I've lived in the area my whole life (aside from college) so I have a good grasp of location and what areas to avoid/what traffic is like/what stores are nearby. Then I have things like how much space I'd like, and I know I'd like 2 toilets because there is nothing worse than needing to poop and someone else is in the shower.
We have 2 bathrooms now, but for 4 years we didn't and we were totally ok being that couple that poops while the other is in there lol. Even now in the mornings we brush teeth/ pee in the same bathroom because why walk all the way downstairs?
We do this too. Well it's not too bad since we're on opposite schedules so we're typically not getting ready together but whenever we're home together it's like we always have to pee/poop at the same time! I can't wait to have 2 toilets.
I think things will change if we have kids, but neither of us can use the bathroom when other is in the room. We want at 2 toilets for this reason!
@jenna8984 I've peed while BF is brushing teeth, and he's peed while I've been in the bathtub, but we both draw the line at pooping (as of now). I did live with an ex before, and I recall many times where I REALLY had to go, but he would be in the shower with the door locked or he was in there pooping. It was then that I decided two toilets are vital.
@TwoDimes I'm not sure. I kind of like the name--it's super cute and unique, though I don't think many people my age get the reference. I watched a lot of Nick at Nite and old movies growing up, so Gidget makes me think of my childhood. I think H will probably want to change it, but I'm not sure what we'd change it to. We'd probably wait and see what name fits her personality... or he'll just opt for a Star Wars name lol. Also, snow is good because it will lead to more adorable Indy pics! I love when you post about her.
@Swazzle You should kick her in the ute instead of the knee.
@lavenderfields13 Sending you so many hugs and vibes! I'm so sorry! It sounds like doctors gave your dad a positive prognosis, which is the best you can hope for in a situation like that. I really hope the surgery goes well and is successful!
@jenna8984 Sounds like the perfect potential babymoon! How exciting!
@CocoBellaF Please post pics of your SF! I hope you love it!
@helloliv Sending you so many healthy vibes! I hope you feel better ASAP!
@peaseblossom55 *hugs* Your CW sounds really insensitive. I doubt she realized how rude she was being. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.
@labro So jealous of your Callie time! She's the most precious baby ever! Please AW your new Mazda WHEN you get it (not if! It's gonna happen!).
@futuremrshistorian Ahhh so exciting that your trip is right around the corner! You are going to have so much fun!
@beachyone15 LOL Bunco is always so much fun. Glad you had a great time! Your weekend sounds awesome!
@beanbot2002 Remind me to contact you in a few years when we are ready for a house. You are so knowledgeable and helpful!
ETA: Re: Bathrooms-- We live in an apartment, and one of our must haves even as renters is 2 toilets. Having a guest bathroom is awesome, plus it's really helpful when H and I both have to use the restroom at the same time or something. Life is so much better with 2 toilets.
We only ever had 1 bathroom in all of our apartments together and it was AWFUL. I don't enjoy showering while smelling H's poo which is what happened EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. because we were unfortunately on the same schedule.
I might be in the minority here, but there is absolutely no way I will ever pee or poop in front of H. We don't have to know EVERYTHING about each other!
We only ever had 1 bathroom in all of our apartments together and it was AWFUL. I don't enjoy showering while smelling H's poo which is what happened EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. because we were unfortunately on the same schedule.
And there was the poop crumbs incident.
Two bathrooms (or at least 1.5 bathrooms) has always been a requirement in any shared living space with H for this reason. Smelling someone else's poo makes me want to vom. I think it's psychological more than anything.
ETA: Re: Bathrooms-- We live in an apartment, and one of our must haves even as renters is 2 toilets. Having a guest bathroom is awesome, plus it's really helpful when H and I both have to use the restroom at the same time or something. Life is so much better with 2 toilets.
YES. What if you go out to eat together to a new place and have something questionable, and then you arrive home and you BOTH need a toilet IMMEDIATELY?! I wouldn't want to be the one stuck without a toilet.
H and I went camping for the first time years ago. There was a garlic festival nearby so we went there and bought some garlic infused olive oil and on the way home from the weekend, we stopped and picked up a baguette. When we got home, we (accidentally) proceeded to dip the baguette into the ENTIRE bottle of oil. I'm not even sure who felt it first but we proceeded to take turns (thank god because one person would have been SO screwed) shitting our brains out for the rest of the day/night. I'm 99.9% sure that if H was on the toilet, I would have gone in the shower. And no fucks would have been given.
We only ever had 1 bathroom in all of our apartments together and it was AWFUL. I don't enjoy showering while smelling H's poo which is what happened EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. because we were unfortunately on the same schedule.
And there was the poop crumbs incident.
@SwazzleI'm gagging and curious .... and cringing. And sympathizing because I can only imagine!
@TwoDimes That has definitely happened to us before. Having food poisoning at the same time would be soooo much worse if we only had 1 toilet. Gross.
@beachyone15 H won't even let us pee in front of each other, and when he goes poo, he shuts every door in between me and the bathroom so I won't know, hear, or smell anything. Having 2 toilets has been a godsend for him.
We only ever had 1 bathroom in all of our apartments together and it was AWFUL. I don't enjoy showering while smelling H's poo which is what happened EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. because we were unfortunately on the same schedule.
And there was the poop crumbs incident.
@SwazzleI'm gagging and curious .... and cringing. And sympathizing because I can only imagine!
Poop crumbs = after you flush, little poo particles that are left sitting on the bottom of the toilet bowl.
We only ever had 1 bathroom in all of our apartments together and it was AWFUL. I don't enjoy showering while smelling H's poo which is what happened EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. because we were unfortunately on the same schedule.
I can't help but laugh at sports news. So I guess this kinda outs where I live, but idc because I'm laughing!
I'm not a huge hockey fan, but one player I adore because he's always happy and I refer to him as my puppy. Well ... he got into his first NHL career fight last night and I'm still not okay with it!
Paper refers to him as irate otter, using this photo!! :')
We only ever had 1 bathroom in all of our apartments together and it was AWFUL. I don't enjoy showering while smelling H's poo which is what happened EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. because we were unfortunately on the same schedule.
And there was the poop crumbs incident.
Two bathrooms (or at least 1.5 bathrooms) has always been a requirement in any shared living space with H for this reason. Smelling someone else's poo makes me want to vom. I think it's psychological more than anything.
ETA: Re: Bathrooms-- We live in an apartment, and one of our must haves even as renters is 2 toilets. Having a guest bathroom is awesome, plus it's really helpful when H and I both have to use the restroom at the same time or something. Life is so much better with 2 toilets.
YES. What if you go out to eat together to a new place and have something questionable, and then you arrive home and you BOTH need a toilet IMMEDIATELY?! I wouldn't want to be the one stuck without a toilet.
H and I went camping for the first time years ago. There was a garlic festival nearby so we went there and bought some garlic infused olive oil and on the way home from the weekend, we stopped and picked up a baguette. When we got home, we (accidentally) proceeded to dip the baguette into the ENTIRE bottle of oil. I'm not even sure who felt it first but we proceeded to take turns (thank god because one person would have been SO screwed) shitting our brains out for the rest of the day/night. I'm 99.9% sure that if H was on the toilet, I would have gone in the shower. And no fucks would have been given.
@speakeasy14 - I'm working through lunch so I can go home earlier. But now I'm just extra anxious without my typical walk break.
Plus, I just read more about Trump's genius plan to force Muslims to join a national registry......... I'll admit, he was amusing for a while. I'm not laughing anymore.
re:bathrooms. Two is an absolute must. We had one at our last apartment, and let's just say it was not pretty when I was throwing up after blacking out the night we tried to party like we did in college, and FI had to go to the bathroom. Normally, we don't go to the bathroom in front of each other. However, that's more me than him. I am an only child and the bathroom was pretty much a private area in my house (maybe someone would run in and grab a hair brush while the other was in the shower, but that's about it). He grew up in a household of 5 people with one bathroom....he always tells me that it was completely normal for someone to be in the shower, someone on the toilet, and 1-2 people brushing their teeth at the same time. I am always a little petrified someone is going to walk in on me when I use the bathroom at his parent's house, especially since the door doesn't have a lock.
I am SO GLAD that it is Friday. And technically, at the end of today, my vacation starts! FI and I are flying to NY on Sunday, and spending the entire week there.
I'm not looking forward to getting through the airports with my foot, but I will deal. We are also worried about this storm possibly delaying us. Our stop is in Chicago, and while Chicago should be in the clear by Sunday, the storm will be between Chicago and Albany (and possibly hitting Albany) on Sunday. We have free lounge tickets that we will be bringing with us just in case.
And I got my review today. It wasn't bad, but slightly lower than I expected. Despite all of the layoffs and emails about very few bonuses or raises, I still got a very small bonus and raise. So that was nice too.
Bathroom discussion: hahaha my bf is under the impression that girls don't poop, so 2 bathrooms is a must. I grew up in a big family, so there was never privacy. I've had full conversations with my mom while I was in the shower, someone was on the toilet, and someone was brushing their teeth, and we had 2.5 bathrooms. This new bathroom time is separate is really nice.
@speakeasy14 I wish I could have kept the image that girls don't poop longer, but I got really sick early on in my relationship .... so that kinda died a painful embarrassing {on my side} death
I think things will change if we have kids, but neither of us can use the bathroom when other is in the room.
We want at 2 toilets for this reason!
@Swazzle You should kick her in the ute instead of the knee.
@lavenderfields13 Sending you so many hugs and vibes! I'm so sorry! It sounds like doctors gave your dad a positive prognosis, which is the best you can hope for in a situation like that. I really hope the surgery goes well and is successful!
@jenna8984 Sounds like the perfect potential babymoon! How exciting!
@CocoBellaF Please post pics of your SF! I hope you love it!
@helloliv Sending you so many healthy vibes! I hope you feel better ASAP!
@peaseblossom55 *hugs* Your CW sounds really insensitive. I doubt she realized how rude she was being. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.
@labro So jealous of your Callie time! She's the most precious baby ever! Please AW your new Mazda WHEN you get it (not if! It's gonna happen!).
@futuremrshistorian Ahhh so exciting that your trip is right around the corner! You are going to have so much fun!
@beachyone15 LOL Bunco is always so much fun. Glad you had a great time! Your weekend sounds awesome!
@speakeasy14 Sounds like a pretty great Friday! Enjoy your weekend and your Friendsgiving!
@KeptInStitches Have fun tonight! Sounds like it will be a really great party.
@AlPacina Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!
@beanbot2002 Remind me to contact you in a few years when we are ready for a house. You are so knowledgeable and helpful!
ETA: Re: Bathrooms-- We live in an apartment, and one of our must haves even as renters is 2 toilets. Having a guest bathroom is awesome, plus it's really helpful when H and I both have to use the restroom at the same time or something. Life is so much better with 2 toilets.
And there was the poop crumbs incident.
@beachyone15 H won't even let us pee in front of each other, and when he goes poo, he shuts every door in between me and the bathroom so I won't know, hear, or smell anything. Having 2 toilets has been a godsend for him.
So I guess this kinda outs where I live, but idc because I'm laughing!
I'm not a huge hockey fan, but one player I adore because he's always happy and I refer to him as my puppy. Well ... he got into his first NHL career fight last night and I'm still not okay with it!
Paper refers to him as irate otter, using this photo!!
@speakeasy14 - I'm working through lunch so I can go home earlier. But now I'm just extra anxious without my typical walk break.
Plus, I just read more about Trump's genius plan to force Muslims to join a national registry......... I'll admit, he was amusing for a while. I'm not laughing anymore.
Have a great weekend everyone!
@Peaseblossom55 so sorry for your insensitive coworker.
@TwoDimes Indy in the snow is adorable! My parents' aussie LOVES chasing snowballs. Maybe Indy will too!
@helloliv I hope you feel better!
re:bathrooms. Two is an absolute must. We had one at our last apartment, and let's just say it was not pretty when I was throwing up after blacking out the night we tried to party like we did in college, and FI had to go to the bathroom. Normally, we don't go to the bathroom in front of each other. However, that's more me than him. I am an only child and the bathroom was pretty much a private area in my house (maybe someone would run in and grab a hair brush while the other was in the shower, but that's about it). He grew up in a household of 5 people with one bathroom....he always tells me that it was completely normal for someone to be in the shower, someone on the toilet, and 1-2 people brushing their teeth at the same time. I am always a little petrified someone is going to walk in on me when I use the bathroom at his parent's house, especially since the door doesn't have a lock.
I am SO GLAD that it is Friday. And technically, at the end of today, my vacation starts! FI and I are flying to NY on Sunday, and spending the entire week there.
I'm not looking forward to getting through the airports with my foot, but I will deal. We are also worried about this storm possibly delaying us. Our stop is in Chicago, and while Chicago should be in the clear by Sunday, the storm will be between Chicago and Albany (and possibly hitting Albany) on Sunday. We have free lounge tickets that we will be bringing with us just in case.
And I got my review today. It wasn't bad, but slightly lower than I expected. Despite all of the layoffs and emails about very few bonuses or raises, I still got a very small bonus and raise. So that was nice too.