As per Kiki's request

I judge my friend who's marrying a chick he's known one whole year, as of their wedding day. No, I can't be certain of the ins and outs of every relationship, and I might be totally wrong in thinking it won't work, but I still judge. The girl he's marrying bought her wedding dress in 2008, with no sign of an engagement in sight. Hello there, Miss Rabbit Boiler.

Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
Re: I Judge
I judge the woman who looked mad that I didn't stop in the middle of the street to let her cross today. No, it was not an intersection or an implied crosswalk. And yes, jaywalking is illegal and enforced in LA. Stand on the median until there aren't any cars coming. You think cars will stop for you in any other city? You'll be roadkill.
Glenna Harding Photography
I also judge people who leave their dogs in their cars with the windows slightly cracked and the cars are parked outside of restaurants or malls. Really? Why don't you leave the damn dog at home? ...It could die it's flipping hot out!
I judge myself for letting it bother me so much, although I think I'm turning the bitterness corner and starting to let it go.
I judge my mom for getting all butthurt that I didn't like her suggestion of having one groomsman walk with one girl and then circle back to walk with another one. I want him to just walk with two girls at once and apparently this means I hate her.
ttc chart
BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
two years!
after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
[QUOTE]I judge Zitiqueen for making a seriously bad statement in the AE's post earlier this week and not coming back to explain that. I'm still boiling over it.
Posted by AmoroAgain[/QUOTE]
I wish that AE would have come back with an update or something.
The real reason it pissed me off though is because her kids are such losers. All I want is to be just like them. *eyeroll* Especially the 24 year old who works as a bag boy. Oh wait, no, the one who's served time in jail twice and has a pregnant girlfriend. Oh wait, no, the one with a semi-employed baby daddy who works at a sub shop.
I told my dad I can't afford them for a few years, which is the truth. Of course, none of GF's trailertrash offspring can, either, which doesn't stop them.
[QUOTE]I judge Zitiqueen for making a seriously bad statement in the AE's post earlier this week and not coming back to explain that. I'm still boiling over it.
Posted by AmoroAgain[/QUOTE]
I'll second that.
ttc chart
BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
[QUOTE]I judge people I see texting while driving. Pisses me the eff off. I also judge people who leave their dogs in their cars with the windows slightly cracked and the cars are parked outside of restaurants or malls. Really? Why don't you leave the damn dog at home? <strong>...It could die it's flipping hot out!</strong>
Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]
And that's why, in many places, this is illegal.
[QUOTE]I judge my former coworker for constantly calling her infant son "the boy king" in facebook status updates.
Posted by arbolita[/QUOTE]
Oh my god... that is not a good sign for that kids future.
[QUOTE]I judge people who buy dogs from breeders. Hard. (Exception here is if you plan to show the dog or need a dog bred for a specific function, like hunting.)
Posted by Brie2010[/QUOTE]
It's not ok to have an affinity for a certain breed of dog, even if you're not going to show it? My parents both grew up with daschaunds (sp?) and as a result, they've had daschaunds my entire life. Is it irresponsible breeding that you have a problem with, or just all breeders in general?
Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
[QUOTE]I judge the woman who looked mad that I didn't stop in the middle of the street to let her cross today. No, it was not an intersection or an implied crosswalk. And yes, jaywalking is illegal and enforced in LA. Stand on the median until there aren't any cars coming. You think cars will stop for you in any other city? You'll be roadkill.
Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]
I judge the jackass who almost ran me down Monday because he didn't feel realize that an intersection will all the traffic lights out is a 4-way stop. Everyone in every other lane was stopped, so he really had no excuse.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: I Judge : Oh my god... that is not a good sign for that kids future.
Posted by AmoroAgain[/QUOTE]
What amazes me is that this is her second child - her first one was a girl, and she definitely did not give her some ridiculous nickname. So I have no idea why she's doing it for her son. She was one of the most sane people where I worked also. It's really out of character and cringe inducing.
I also got a wedding invite yesterday and they spelled Jocelyn's name Josiline. Ummm, ok - not even close.
I judge my effin' sister, who feels the need to judge every other person on Earth. She judges her friends who have BF's, who are engaged, who have kids, etc. I think she's subconsiously jealous, but she'd never admit it. I have to shut her down at lest once a day with, "Stop judging this person. It is none of your damn business, etc".
I judge all the slow MFers at Walmart who act like they're alone in the store and can go at a snail's pace and stop on a whim in the middle of the main aisle.
I judge my coworker who adamantly hates cats, just on principle.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: I Judge : It's not ok to have an affinity for a certain breed of dog, even if you're not going to show it? My parents both grew up with daschaunds (sp?) and as a result, they've had daschaunds my entire life. Is it irresponsible breeding that you have a problem with, or just all breeders in general?
Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]
Not making a judgement about your parents or anything, but my family has owned 4 beagles and none have been purchased from a breeder. They were all rescues (2 found on the side of the road - no joke, one was a hunting dog and we think one was owned by a military family who left - one was found in the paper/given away by someone and had AKC papers, and one was from a shelter). I also currently own a Norwegian Forest Cat and two Persians, and they're all rescues. It might take a little more leg work, but shelters aren't just for mutts.
I'd love a dachshund, but I'll wait and find one in a shelter when the time is right, or through a breed rescue organization.
[QUOTE]I judge people who leave their shopping carts in parking places instead of walking 10 more steps to put it in a cart corral. Except for old people, who I always offer to return their carts for them.
Posted by frogurt814[/QUOTE]
This bothers me more than it should. I hate when people don't put the carts up, especially if they are able-bodied.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: I Judge : I judge the jackass who almost ran me down Monday because he didn't feel realize that an intersection will all the traffic lights out is a 4-way stop. Everyone in every other lane was stopped, so he really had no excuse.
Posted by nhelene[/QUOTE]
I see that happen All. The. Time here. Like, 4 cars will move forward at once, not realizing you treat a broken light as a one-way stop. The police always have to send a traffic officer out to direct traffic because LA drivers can't function on their own. Of course, everyday, I see people mess up the right-of-way at stop signs, too.
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: I Judge : It's not ok to have an affinity for a certain breed of dog, even if you're not going to show it? My parents both grew up with daschaunds (sp?) and as a result, they've had daschaunds my entire life. Is it irresponsible breeding that you have a problem with, or just all breeders in general?
Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]
I think it's fine to have an affinity for a certain kind of dog, but there are thousands of doxies in shelters and breed-specific rescues across the country. I just looked on Petfinder for doxies in my area and there are 5,500 available for adoption nationwide, 70 within 100 miles of my house.
There are good breeders out there that have dogs with titles and genetic testing and work to preserve and better the breed standard and I'm fine with that. Problem is, 95% of "breeders" are total crap. AKC means nothing. People are getting hoodwinked and thousands of shelter dogs die every day as a result.
two years!
after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
[QUOTE]I judge my former coworker for constantly calling her infant son "the boy king" in facebook status updates.
Posted by arbolita[/QUOTE]
That made me laugh so hard. I would have to put that coworker on "hide" because that would just make my eyes roll constantly.
I judge one of my friends for forgetting that she has anyone else in her life once she and her BF hooked up back in April. I've barely seen her since, and she always blows people off to hang out with him.
Also, she completely changes her personality whenever he's around. And it's not a favorable change. She says she doesn't want him to see her "bad side". I think that's a serious red flag for their relationship.
Books read in 2012: 21/50
I even kinda judge people who do dog shows.
I don't judge people who buy from reputable breeders.
I volunteer at the SPCA. I've fostered dogs. Shelter dogs aren't a walk in the park, at all. I have 2 cats and a dog from the SPCA. One dog is from a reputable breeder.
"You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
[QUOTE]I judge people who buy dogs from breeders. Hard. (Exception here is if you plan to show the dog or need a dog bred for a specific function, like hunting.)
Posted by Brie2010[/QUOTE]
Or you want a specific breed because you've researched what breed you may want.
I don't like it when people judge people who don't want to adopt a shelter dog.
I also judge my best friend's boyfriend for juding her past. They've been together for 5 years, and on the weekend he got upset with her over having a one night stand like 7 years ago. I don't remember how it came up, but it did, and he was pissy with her for the rest of the weekend.
At the same time, I judge her because she is CONSTANTLY hounding him to propose and wants to get married BAD, like, yesterday. It's NON STOP.