Snarky Brides




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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:033ce228-8086-42c2-9996-9015e7423449Post:6a407530-ca38-4576-a0bd-855a07812c1b">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well, those are my opinions.  Yes, there are good people in Texas.  I'm just typically of the opinion that a large majority of people from Texas (Austin and San Antonio seem to be the exception) are bigoted, racist, homophobic, and ignorant.  Or we could just bundle up all those people from various states and stick them on an island and leave 'em.  I'd be okay with that, too.  Then the cool people in Texas can stay where they are. And I'm not jealous in the least of people who can afford snotty brands.  When something is significantly better, it deserves more money.  When it's not higher quality or the difference in money is comparable to the difference in value, then I think it's a waste. My family does very well, my father makes seven figures a year, and I make a good salary myself.  I can afford expensive trips and take them often, and I enjoy going to nice restaurants even if they cost a lot.  I'll drop $100 on a bottle of wine that I think is excellent.  I drive a nice car that is safe and functional, but I paid cash for it.  No jealousy there.  I just grew up in a town full of rich snots who seemed to think that what they wore and carried and drove indicated their status.  You don't have to buy the cheapest thing, but when you're dropping several hundred times what a cheaper item would cost and there's no objective way it's even twice as good in quality or experience, then that's a waste.  And yes, I judge people for that.  And no, you couldn't change my mind. Oh, and that study?  Totally objective. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    Posted by catemeg[/QUOTE]

    So you had some bad experiences with some snobs and you think that gives you the right to tell people how to spend their money?  Um ok.  How would you know about the quality of said items unless you've used them??  How do you judge the level of experience?  My Cartier engagment ring is perfect for me.  DId I pick it cause of the brand.  No, I picked it because of the quality and style.  Plain and simple.

    As for the news study.  It did have those findings but those weren't the main findings.  Did you read the study in full??  There was much more in there.  Just like people who listen to Rush and O'Reilly are right up there with the Colbert SHow. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is the Bible considered enough for you? I had explained in my previous post that <strong>God intended for a man to be with a woman,</strong> if he wanted 2 men or 2 women to procreate, he would have made that possible.. For those who think my thoughts are antiquated, I explained that before, I was raised a certain way thinking certain things were wrong/right, just for fun: I asked 4 doctors here at the hospital I work at (different ages and races if that matters to you) what they thought about same-sex parents and they all said it's not 'normal' and one said and I quot<strong>e 'it would be normal if we lived in san francisco'</strong> and scoffed.
    Posted by loop0406[/QUOTE]
    </div><div>How dare you tell me what God meant, especially since you are using a book written by MEN about what THEY thought God meant eons ago. Don't tell me that social norms of the day didn't influence that writing. </div><div>
    </div><div>That dr quote makes me think that the Dr is also a bigot. Doctors can be ignorant too. </div><div>
    </div><div>Normal is overrated. Normal where I come from us uneducated parents raising uneductated children to live in the same damned town their whole lives and do the same jobs their parents did. I am not "normal" because I left. I guess that means my kids wont be normal either. Should I not have kids either? </div>
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    loop, texas voted and we want you gone.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT : So: pay for everything on credit and pay off your bill in full at the end of every month.  You'll establish excellent credit history and rack up the airline miles.  ;)
    Posted by Celles[/QUOTE]

    I wish someone had told me earlier (like the high school class on Financial Responsibility someone was suggesting) what it would take to build credit, and how important it was.  In college, I always felt like I was better off than my friends who were racking up thousands of dollars in debt.  Turns out, I was doing myself a bit of a disservice by not even having a card!

    And yes, I'm bringing my card to the limit multiple times each month and paying it off in full.  I can't qualify for an airline miles account yet for the airline I use (American Airlines) but I'm looking forward to when I have enough history to open one.  We're flying to Europe on my miles from work, and it would be excellent to earn more miles!  Right now I'm just doing cash back.
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    catemeg, texas voted, and we don't want you anyway.
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    I've actually enjoyed Texas the three times I've visited.  I like it in the country.
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    Also with regards to credit, I completely agree that high school needs to impliment a class on Financial Responsibilities or something. When I was 18 I got my first credit card so I could begin building credit. It has a $200 limit and I only used it to purchase groceries so I knew I could always pay it off. I think it's important for people to know about building credit as soon as possible, but to place limits so they can't destroy themselves in the process.

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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:033ce228-8086-42c2-9996-9015e7423449Post:153d2a1f-ae6d-49f6-9427-f9084e17c0bb">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]catemeg, texas voted, and we don't want you anyway.
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    Yeah Lala came to play!
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    I don't want to go to Texas anyway.

    And if what I said was popular, it wouldn't belong in a thread about unpopular opinions.  I didn't tell you that you couldn't go buy name brands - what I said is that I judge people for throwing money around on items that aren't better quality just so they can have a certain name brand.  I never said all name brands are bad - some cost more because they're worth it.  But those that cost more because of having a certain name, I think that's a waste.  And I'm allowed to do that.

    And yes, I read the whole article on political education based on news media.  I think it's extremely interesting.  I dislike Limbaugh, but he raises excellent points once in awhile, as does O'Reilly.  They make people think, and that's always a good thing, whether I agree with them or not.  But I would like to see where Glenn Beck fell in that study, because I feel like all he does is spew craziness and conspiracy theories rather than fact. 
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:033ce228-8086-42c2-9996-9015e7423449Post:76903da8-76a9-46b4-bc06-b9da9e1c329f">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't want to go to Texas anyway. And if what I said was popular, it wouldn't belong in a thread about unpopular opinions.  I didn't tell you that you couldn't go buy name brands - what I said is that I judge people for throwing money around on items that aren't better quality just so they can have a certain name brand.  I never said all name brands are bad - some cost more because they're worth it.  But those that cost more because of having a certain name, I think that's a waste.  And I'm allowed to do that. And yes, I read the whole article on political education based on news media.  I think it's extremely interesting.  I dislike Limbaugh, but he raises excellent points once in awhile, as does O'Reilly.  They make people think, and that's always a good thing, whether I agree with them or not.  But I would like to see where Glenn Beck fell in that study, because I feel like all he does is spew craziness and conspiracy theories rather than fact. 
    Posted by catemeg[/QUOTE]

    While I think Glenn Beck gets too extreme sometimes I don't always dislike all of his theories and ideas.  He just gets a little too intense for me.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]This is going to sound really corny, but I tend to view myself as a person rather than as an "American." I think that when we identify ourselves based solely on our nation it encourages division. If we looked at eachother as people, we'd probably get along a lot better.
    Posted by jasmineh7777[/QUOTE]

    I couldn't agree with this statement more.
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    I don't like political commentators, period! I also don't like sports commentators. I think both are insults to my intelligence. I can read facts and interpret for myself. I can also watch a screen and know what just happenned without someone telling me. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]Loop, do you believe in fertility treatments? It's like Kate Gosselin--she didn't terminate any of her billion babies that took because it was "God's will."  But if she really cared about "God's will" as far as her having babies goes, she would have stuck babies.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]
    I was thisclose to the last page, but this, right here, says it all. I heart you J&K
    Carry on
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't want to go to Texas anyway. And if what I said was popular, it wouldn't belong in a thread about unpopular opinions.  I didn't tell you that you couldn't go buy name brands - what I said is that I judge people for throwing money around on items that aren't better quality just so they can have a certain name brand.  I never said all name brands are bad - some cost more because they're worth it.  But those that cost more because of having a certain name, I think that's a waste.  And I'm allowed to do that. And yes, I read the whole article on political education based on news media.  I think it's extremely interesting.  I dislike Limbaugh, but he raises excellent points once in awhile, as does O'Reilly.  They make people think, and that's always a good thing, whether I agree with them or not.  But I would like to see where Glenn Beck fell in that study, because I feel like all he does is spew craziness and conspiracy theories rather than fact. 
    Posted by catemeg[/QUOTE]
    I'm from Texas. I'm a democrat. I hate glen beck.
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    CellesCelles member
    Combo Breaker First Comment

    New opinion!  I think spaying and neutering your pets should be required by law.  You should have to apply for a license to breed, and all puppies and kittens you sell should be microchipped and returned to you in the all too likely event they end up in a kill-shelter somewhere.

    Backyard breeders suck.

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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:033ce228-8086-42c2-9996-9015e7423449Post:419f5dc2-3953-4bbd-89b0-4a406bf8deac">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]New opinion!  I think spaying and neutering your pets should be required by law.  You should have to apply for a license to breed, and all puppies and kittens you sell should be microchipped and returned to you in the all too likely event they end up in a kill-shelter somewhere. Backyard breeders suck.
    Posted by Celles[/QUOTE]

    I agree with all of this.
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    I also don't think Fox news is
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    I find that adding corn as an ingredient in salads, soups, rice, whatever is nasty. Corn should either be on the cob or popped.*

    (*I just caught that I typed "pooped," and that would have also been acceptable).
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    Well, Zippity, I have to agree that I don't want pooped corn on my salad either. However I am a lover of corn in all pre-digested forms. To each his own. 
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:033ce228-8086-42c2-9996-9015e7423449Post:419f5dc2-3953-4bbd-89b0-4a406bf8deac">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]New opinion!  I think spaying and neutering your pets should be required by law.  You should have to apply for a license to breed, and all puppies and kittens you sell should be microchipped and returned to you in the all too likely event they end up in a kill-shelter somewhere. Backyard breeders suck.
    Posted by Celles[/QUOTE]

    I agree with all except the microchipping, only because I've heard mixed reviews from vets about the safety of microchipping. Apparently sometimes there can be issues, but I agree with the underlying idea.
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    I've said this before, but I also think tha declawing, cropping, and docking should all be illegal.
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    I don't really care about abortion. I am meh about the arguement.

    I think people who rape and murder should be put do death. Period.

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]I also don't think Fox news is
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    I agree... neither is CNN really.  They do so many "human interest" stories that I just lost interest.  I read Wall Street Journal mostly and Financial Times for work, and BBC News to keep on with what's going on globally.  Those Brits have good world news!

    Oh, I'm also of the opinion that about 50% of Florida drivers never learned how to drive or just chose to forget. I have never seen worse driving in my life!  I have said mulitiple times that I want to line up all the bad drivers and taze them for putting so many other people's lives at risk. Cops down here don't seem to give speeding tickets, but really it should be reckless endangerment.

    I believe marijuana should be decriminalized nationally to put our focus back on more serious criminals.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:033ce228-8086-42c2-9996-9015e7423449Post:9ea40496-da34-4310-b1ca-7dec9d5cc246">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT : I agree with all except the microchipping, only because I've heard mixed reviews from vets about the safety of microchipping. Apparently sometimes there can be issues, but I agree with the underlying idea.
    Posted by jasmineh7777[/QUOTE]

    Really??!! What have you heard? 
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    I like Rush, Glenn and Hannity. I listen to them to and from school. I bet that is pretty unpopular! :P
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:033ce228-8086-42c2-9996-9015e7423449Post:82d77ef9-666d-4c9e-97e1-506095749a1c">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've said this before, but I also think tha declawing, cropping, and docking should all be illegal.
    Posted by jasmineh7777[/QUOTE]

    I'm only with docking tails for medical reasons not cosmetic.  Same for cropping and declawing.  What about removal of dewclaws?? That traumatized me beyond belief.
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    I think you are all biitches for writing so much that I could not read this entire post because my eyes were falling out even though I wanted to keep readig.

    I think the drinking age should be lowered to 18 at least.

    I am pro choice and think abortion should be more affordable and easier to do (ie. not having to have parent consent or having a judge excuse you).

    I think weed should be legal.

    And I think begging on the side of the street for money should be a felony (ie. "homeless" people).
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    Awww I don't mind giving homeless people money. I know some of them are pulling one over on me, but you never know!
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT : I was thisclose to the last page, but this, right here, says it all. I heart you J&K Carry on
    Posted by rhodesign[/QUOTE]

    Right back atcha! 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    Homeless (or "homeless") people creep me out.  True story.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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