Wedding Etiquette Forum

game? you might judge me for this but...?


Re: game? you might judge me for this but...?

  • I'm late to this, but I thought I should jump in. I'm amazed at all of the ladies who don't feel noticed - Beatles, Scarlet, Coco, Rach, Carrie - I definitely notice, recognize and appreciate all of you guys. I think this is a weird place, and a lot of us can feel under the radar when a lot of people are actually in agreement with what we're saying. I feel the way you all feel at times, but I think it might just be the nature of posting on a board when the number of regulars is so high.I think I'm always going to have body and weight issues. Right now I'm doing a little better than usual because I am seeing my nutritionist again and my weight is going down, but I definitely have an emotional relationship with food. Feel better, all you pretty ladies. :)
    Our Story MAJORLY UPDATED 8/6/09
    Wouldn't it be nice to live together in the kind of world where we belong?
  • I am overweight.  I get really conflicted when women discuss body issues.  On the one hand, I know that women who aren't overweight can and obviously do have serious body issues that affect them in major ways.  A party of me, though, still feels like they have it ok b/c they're skinny and that's important in our society.
  • Smokey...I just typed you a response and the knot ate it! But, god no, I am not a 0/2. I was a 2 10 years ago (hence the Halloween costume dress distress) but I am mostly a 4...but outgrown many 4s and been buying 6s. I am very small boned and small frame so maybe it makes me look smaller. But it also makes me feel 5-10 lbs more. But thanks for the feel good remark!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • No prob, lilgina.  I saw you ask in another thread and didn't think you'd go back there.  Then I saw it still wasn't working so figured I'd throw it out there.  Cute pic!

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Sarah, thank you. Very well put, and FWIW I see you on here too in the same way. :)Btw, I think anyone who has posted on this thread should be mandated to also post on J&K's self-esteem thread, if you haven't already. We need to debrief, guys.

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • We need to debrief, guys. I just laughed out loud.  Seriously.  And I know you didn't mean it to be funny.  But it was in my head.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • sarah and beatles - thanks, and I agree.  It's a part of the nature of the board.  It can feel like you're talking into the wind, so this validation is nice.  Esp. at the end of a really hard week.  :)
  • I'm gonna jump in with the not getting noticed thing.  I'm a people pleaser too.  And I need validation.  And I occasionally jump on bandwagons.  Last week, someone did an intro post and I was biitchy about it and East called me out.  I wanted to say something about it in FFF, but then I realized East was right.  This is a weird place to hang out at, because IRL I have like 2 girlfriends.  So hanging out with a giant group of anonymous chicks has been a very enlightening experience.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • SD-I haven't seen a 4 in a while.  In fact, the sixes are in hiding too.Anyway, this horse is beaten.  My jeans don't fit.  I get it.  Lay off the snacks, the wine and get your jiggling @$$ to the gym, Smokey.Whew, someone had to to say it.  It may as well have been me. 
    Now with more wedded bliss.

    I don't get married often, but when I do, I do it in Las Vegas.


    "Lvharpy could be your AE." - direy25
    "smokeybailey is the one shining beacon of light in this steaming turd of a thread." - daffodil_jill
    "The almighty smokeybailey has spoken." - some bitch on the Las Vegas board

  • Lauren - East likes to call ppl out.  It's what she does.  (now she'll call me out ... or not, to show that she doesn't notice me ;) )
  • I'm going to sound like a broken record, but I'm with all of you who feel unnoticed.  I think it's mostly because I'm not very witty.  I have been noticed a few times because I have differing views from the majority of posters, and I think that's kind of a crappy way to get noticed (because I was given the side-eye about it).  But I am a people pleaser and I feel like I'm just below the radar here.Oh well.
  • Beatles - I NOTICE YOU AND TACO CAT!  How dare you not recognize the fact that I recognize you.  Go to time out.
  • JK, I did mean for it to be a little funny, but also true. ;)Lauren, we all do the bandwagon/validation-seeking thing. Every one of us. I think it takes some courage to say it out loud. And dammit, it sucks when people are right about it too. :) I'm the same way re: girlfriends too... I have 2 or 3 that are my sisters and that I would die for, but that's all I really need. I don't do well juggling a bunch of folks either. I like to have a familiar place to land that I know I'm a part of.

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • I judge people who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom especially in public places. Fi only brushes his teeth once a day and somtimes his breath is really bad and I have to ask his to either chew some gum or brush his teeth before I will kiss him. When I am angry I will bottle it up inside me till it burst out and then it is worse than if i would have just said what was bothering me to being with. I am working on this. I have to have things even. Like when I eat I have to have the same amount of food on each side of my mouth and if I am eating candy I have to eat in even numbers.
  • LOL Carrie.kschwed, don't sweat it. If people disagree with you, you will be remembered. I feel the pull to be witty and say something funny with every post, but it doesn't work that way and isn't authentic. Just be yourself, obviously people know who you are. :)Arb, I'm sorry. You have always remembered me and taco cat. How long do I have to stay in the corner?

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • - I don't like smokers either. It makes me mad that my dad still smokes after having a lung cancer scare a few years ago and quitting for a 3 months.  I also get really mad that FSIL continues to smoke even though she is seven months pregnant and she smoked the whole time with her first child too.- It upsets me that FSIL is younger than us and will have two kids because I feel like when/if we have kids no one will be that excited about it.  - I will also confess to having a sad sex life, I am hoping it's only the stress of buying a house and planning a wedding cuz it seems like I just can't relax enough to get in the mood.- I judge people who have rich parents and don't have to work for things.  - I am sometimes happy when I see an old friend has gained weight. But then I feel really bad because I am sure they have body issues just like me.
  • - I don't remember the last time I washed my face. It gets wet in the shower, but I don't actually use any soap on it. I don't wear makeup, so that might make a difference.- I use my arthritis as an excuse not to exercise. Yes, my shoulder has hurt like a mutherfocker off and on (mostly on) for 11 months now, but that shouldn't stop me from working out my lower body.- I am still angry and resentful at my ex-husband and my ex-best friend for cheating on me with each other, but I'm also angry with myself that I didn't see through the conniving bitches (especially her) to see her real motives.- Despite being way-above-average in the brains department, I still feel like the dim bulb in the family. Doesn't help that my brother is a vice-president with Alcatel-Lucent and my sister graduated top-10 in her law class at Emory.
  • -just thought of another one! I feel like I joined this post too late and now no one is going to pay attention to or even read my post, it's making me feel sad and pathetic.- Also, I have lived with FI's family since after high school and have become pretty close with his family.  I feel guilty all the time b/c I feel like I am closer to his family than mine esp. my little brothers who are around the same age as his lil bro.  Also, their dad lives 10 mins away but hasn't seen or talked to them in years so I feel like a big jerk for not making more of an effort to be involved with them.- My mom adopted a little girl from china 2 years ago and I was so resentful during the whole process b/c I had to leave college for financial reasons but all my mom cared about was the adoption.  I didn't help her at all or get involved with it other than driving her to the airport when she left to complete the adoption.  I still feel bad because I am now completely in love with my lil sis and can't imagine life without her.  I wish I had been more supportive and excited about her joining our family, instead there was a time when I actually hoped that the adoption wouldn't go through, and I feel terrible for that.
  • I'm a bit late but...--I have never been pulled over even though I consider myself a bit of a reckless driver.--I have never done drugs, ever. H used to smoke pot when we first started dating (we were 15). It bothered me so much that I swore I would never do it. I can't even remember why it bugged me so much, and yet I still refused to do it.--For the most part, I do not forgive anyone...for anything...ever.--Some of you give extremely good advice, and I am thankful for it.
  • I get body anxiety when DH wants me to wear short skirts and lingerie - I've got lots of extra skin (with the accompanying layer of fat/cellulite) on my thighs, upper arms and belly. Enough so that if I had it removed, I would probably drop 2 sizes and maybe 10-15 pounds.I am really moody and sensitive, and worry that my clinical depression will come back.  I haven't been on an antidepressant in 2 years, since I started medication for ADHD.  This scares me.  Those are dark days I don't want to revisit, and I don't want DH to experience.I'm a terrible housekeeper. DH is, too. When I start cleaning, though, I turn into psychobitch, and I'm on a mission.  Like, scrubbing the bathroom floor on my hands and knees on a mission.The only place I won't wash my hands  post-pee is in my own house.  I have gone to bed without brushing my teeth; sometimes I take a snack to bed with me and eat it after I've brushed them. I often don't wash my face before bed.I changed my sig pic because I was stung by something said in FFF.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • I changed my sig pic because I was stung by something said in FFF.Missy, I caught that in FFF and was wondering if you changed your pic for that reason. I'm really surprised no one commented on her saying that, even if it was FFF. I was going to query, but didn't want to stir the pot. I'm sorry. Is it possible she didn't mean what you thinks she meant? Did you have a different pic when she may have first seen you?

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • I just thought of another one - Two of my friends got married JOP today. They had time to plan a wedding, and had enough people offering to help them pay for a wedding to plan one. They "didn't feel like it." She got bridal showers, a bachelorette party, he got a bachelor party, they have a gift registry, etc...but no wedding for anyone to attend and see them get married. I know it's their choice, and their life, but I can't deny I gave their announcement the side-eye when it said they were getting married and were registered at 2 stores...
  • Missy - I saw that too and was upset for you. I didn't question it b/c I didn't want to draw anymore attention to it. I just wanted to say that I adore you.
  • Oh, and FWIW, I liked your previous pic. You really do look like Lady Di. :)

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • yeah, I kinda didn't understand that either, Missy! =)my confession:As forgiving of a person as I can be (sometimes to doormat proportions), I absolutely will not forgive my brother for the crap he's done to me and my family. My 'heart' forgives him for being a fuucking idiot, but I want nothing to do with him ever again. My 85 yo grandma is so excited for my wedding and that all her grandkids will be in one place for the first time in...probably ever. But he is not coming. I didn't invite him and I'll have security escort him out if he dared to show up. I refuse to budge. I hate it, but I'm gonna have to hurt an old woman's feelings on this one if she pushes. I'm hoping she gets it and won't.
  • Missy, I'm sorry you took what some whipper-snapper said in FFF to heart.Love, your fellow older bride who also looks like Lady Di.
  • Missy that was me.  I'm sorry!  It wasn't the photo you had today it was from awhile ago and I thought it looked like two people photo shopped side by side.  It took me a while to realize it wasn't intentional but an actual photo. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I didn't get that comment on the pic either.  Be who you are, Missy.  Don't worry about flames in an FFF. 
    Now with more wedded bliss.

    I don't get married often, but when I do, I do it in Las Vegas.


    "Lvharpy could be your AE." - direy25
    "smokeybailey is the one shining beacon of light in this steaming turd of a thread." - daffodil_jill
    "The almighty smokeybailey has spoken." - some bitch on the Las Vegas board

  • I'll confess that I was really bothered by things that were said about me in last week's FFF. It kind of threw me off my game for the past week. I shouldn't have let it bother me, but I obviously don't have thick enough skin.
  • Cew-think of flames in an FFF as your own personal sex tape.  Now you are famous.  Maybe you will be paid to show up at night clubs.
    Now with more wedded bliss.

    I don't get married often, but when I do, I do it in Las Vegas.


    "Lvharpy could be your AE." - direy25
    "smokeybailey is the one shining beacon of light in this steaming turd of a thread." - daffodil_jill
    "The almighty smokeybailey has spoken." - some bitch on the Las Vegas board

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