Not Engaged Yet

Introduce Yourself Here!


Re: Introduce Yourself Here!

  • AthseaAthsea member
    edited December 2011
    Screen Name: Athsea
    Age: 22
    Significant Other's Age: 29
    What You Do: Substitute Teacher, until I join the Navy this summer
    What SO Does: IT Helpdesk/ programming
    State of Relationship: Engaged (privately)
    How Long You've Been Together: 6 months
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): Fall 2012 (tentatively)
    Fur Babies: Rocky (4), a blue heeler/ corgi mix, and Bear (1), who looks like Barkley from the book series
    Favorite Color: Red
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: He's a caretaker. Not just of me, of everyone. He's a giver, and it's very endearing
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: He can be very stubborn and messy. But, so can I. So it's hardly a deal breaker
    Hobbies/Activities: Reading, Dance, Languages, Horses, Ren faires
    Describe Your Personality: Feisty
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 7-8
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: As a result of 9 years of Ballet, all of my toes curl under
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: shipsinthenight (same sn I used on the dating website I met my SO)


    Significant Other's Age:30

    What You Do: sell shoes, direct children's choir, student of music and real estate

    What SO Does: computer IT stuff in title insurance industry

    State of Relationship: serious, moving in together

    How Long You've Been Together: 1 year+

    Fur Babies: (only stuffed, from SO) gwen, my christmas penguin; giggles, my custom luma

    Favorite Color: pink, red, depends on the season or my mood

    Favorite Thing About Your SO: Um, everything? Very long list, depends on the day, but mostly that I know he's the right one for me and I finally found him.  He's funny, sweet, a great listener, and the only BF I've ever enjoyed being surprised by.

    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: Not as into music as I am; doesn't go to church, but we share many religious beliefs, so I haven't tried to push it.

    Hobbies/Activities: reading, choir, soduko, movies, finding new restaurants

    Describe Your Personality:
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]):
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself:
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    April 2013 September Siggy Challenge
    Red Horse Barn, Huntington Beach, CA
  • edited December 2011
    Hobbies/Activities: reading, choir, soduko, movies, finding new restaurants, hitting the wrong button before I'm done with a post..., excessive uses of elipses (...) in texts and posts.

    Describe Your Personality: funny, smart, dorky but in a good way, slightly neurotic, caring, thoughtful, performer

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 3? My postings will tend to be very low snark, cus that's just mean...unless you're being really dumb. I don't tollerate stupid well. In real life, the snark is higher. Feel free to tell me if I'm being rediculous. I can take it! I'm tough!

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I can scuba dive and ski, but once never thought I could.  The scuba I owe to a great instructor who was very patient with me after I panicked.  Turns out almost drowning caused a much bigger fear of being completely submurged than I had previously thought.  The skiing I owe to my SO, who I the MOST patient boyfriend I have ever had. Now it's his turn to learn to scuba, and I'm looking forward to learning to sail in return.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    April 2013 September Siggy Challenge
    Red Horse Barn, Huntington Beach, CA
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: NurseyK
    Age: 28
    Significant Other's Age: 35
    What You Do: I give out dilaudid like it's candy.
    What SO Does: He's a nerd, of the solar engineer flavor.
    State of Relationship: Plan on gettin hitched
    How Long You've Been Together: 9 quick months
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): Nov or next spring
    When You Got Married (if you're married):
    Fur Babies: no time
    Favorite Color: blue
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: man of many talents
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: man of many talents
    Hobbies/Activities: school, SWAT training, school, school
    Describe Your Personality: witty + sassy
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 8
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I'm so over being a student.
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: sweetlilrocknroll
    Age: 19
    Significant Other's Age:19
    What You Do: University Student (History/Education)
    What SO Does: University Student (History/Law)
    State of Relationship: nearly living together
    How Long You've Been Together: year and a half
    When You're Getting Married : hopefully 2 years

    Fur Babies: Sheldon, Hiccup and Toothless (Black bear hamster and twin dwarf hamsters)
    Favorite Color: Red
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: How open he is about loving me
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: he's slightly ocd about soap on washed dishes
    Hobbies/Activities: right now we're revolved around school work, but classic movies, skating, skiing, and lots of walking
    Describe Your Personality: in his words "low maintenence"
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 1
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I'm a published writer, and I want to be a grade 2 teacher
    And they lived. Not always happily. But they LIVED.
  • edited December 2011

    Screen Name: aah009

    Age: 20

    Significant Other's Age: 21

    What You Do: Student majoring in Elementary Education

    What SO Does: He graduates this May with a bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering.  In May 2012, he will have his masters.

    State of Relationship: Not engaged yet but serious.

    How Long You've Been Together: A little over 3 years.

    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): When he puts the rock on my finger:) Maybe, summer of 2012?

    When You Got Married (if you're married): -

    Fur Babies: NONE

    Favorite Color: Purple and Green.

    Favorite Thing About Your SO: I love how he encourages me every day whether it’s to study harder or letting me know I can excel through anything. I also love how he’s so ambitious and knows what he wants in life.


    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: I can’t stand how he keeps everything so cluttered. I like things neat!

    Hobbies/Activities: Tri Sigma (my sorority), Volunteering with Juvenile Diabetes (JDRF), eating cheese burgers, and children.

    Describe Your Personality: I’m really out going and actively involved on my college campus. I’m caring, supportive, and a clean freak!

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): Meaning bitchy? I’m sure that depends on who you ask..4?

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I know sign language but im not fluent! I was recently in a pageant and won a community service scholarship.  I also like white American cheese and loaded baked potatoes;)

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  • Klouthain Klouthain member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Screen Name: Klouthain
    Significant Other's Age: 21
    What You Do: Full time student
    What SO Does: Full time student
    State of Relationship: Very serious, and planning on marriage in our future.  But also doing long listance right now because of school.
    How Long You've Been Together: 2 years
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): not until we are done with school and feel very ready,
    When You Got Married (if you're married):
    Fur Babies: Kitty named Whiskers
    Favorite Color: Blue
    Favorite Thing About Your SO:  He is laid back, incredibly caring and considerate, and has a great sense of humor
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: very blunt with his opinions. On everything haha
    Hobbies/Activities: art, spending time with family/friends
    Describe Your Personality: I am very laid back.  Outgoing for the most part.  Positive and happy go lucky haha
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 1
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself:  I have known my boyfriend since 7th grade and we never even talked till senior year of high school when we became great friends and started dating a year later.
  • caitlin.cavecaitlin.cave member
    edited December 2011
    I introduced myself a while ago on a post telling the lurkers to come out of the woodwork, but I think I'm gonna do it again here just for the record.

    Screen Name: caitlin.cave

    Age: 20

    Significant Other's Age: 20

    What You Do:  Student, Psychology major

    What SO Does:  He's also a student

    State of Relationship:  Loving dating, at the moment.  We're talking about getting married someday though.

    How Long You've Been Together: Just short of a year

    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged):  Definitely after undergrad is out of the way.

    Fur Babies:  I have a huge, 25 pound maine coon cat named Little Bear (don't judge me, I named him when I was 13. haha.)

    Favorite Color:  Depends on the type of thing.  Silver jewelry, black dresses, white dishes, dark furniture.

    Favorite Thing About Your SO:  He's very committed to our relationship.  He never lets me walk away from an argument without either resolving it or agreeing on a time to resolve it later if I need to calm down or something.

    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO:  As much as I love that He always wants to resolve things, sometimes it's really annoying when it's happening.

    Hobbies/Activities:  I'm a band kid at heart, and I still play my French horn in the music program here.

    Describe Your Personality:  I'm pretty easy-going.  I don't get upset easily, which is nice because the boyfriend has a quick-ish fuse.

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]):  Mostly below 5, unless someone's trying to steal my food.

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself:  I'm legally blind, but it's not the result of an accident or anything like that.  I was just born with horrendous vision.
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: luimes
    Age: 23
    Significant Other's Age: 29
    What You Do: University Student - studying Education
    What SO Does:  Same as me!
    State of Relationship: Engaged to be engaged.
    How Long You've Been Together: 1 year 5 months
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): Spring or Summer 2013
    When You Got Married (if you're married):
    Fur Babies: Salem the black cat!
    Favorite Color: Orange!
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: He never gives up on me and can raise my mood no matter what!
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: He needs a lot of affection which can get tiring.
    Hobbies/Activities: Travelling, reading, lesson planning.
    Describe Your Personality: I laugh at everything, especially awkward moments. 
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 1
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I'm fluent in German.
  • witchysherylwitchysheryl member
    Tenth Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer
    edited December 2011
    Screen Name: AwesomeJennyB
    Age: 27
    Significant Other's Age: 28
    What You Do: I am a marketing administrative assistant
    What SO Does: currently unemployed
    State of Relationship: soon to be engaged!
    How Long You've Been Together: 7 years in July
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): I would like to get married October of 2012
    When You Got Married (if you're married):
    Fur Babies:
    Favorite Color: Green and Pink
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: he loves me a whole lot :) oh and his butt.
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: frustrated easily.
    Hobbies/Activities: photography, knitting, traveling, movies, concerts, reading, writing, exercise, getting healthy
    Describe Your Personality: weird, goofy, funny, random/spontaneous, kind, helpful and organized
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 1
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I've been planning my wedding for years lol
  • edited December 2011
    Hi My name is Lisa and Im new here just wanted to say HI! real quick while i'm on my break. 

    Everyone have a good day! ;)
  • sweetbirdsweetbird member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Hi, i've been lurking quite a while now, here and on other Knot boards, and thought I'd finally take the plunge and introduce myself. I'm not 'officially' engaged yet, but privately, we've made the commitment to get married when the time is right.

    Screen Name: sweetbird

    Age: 25

    Significant Other's Age: 26

    What You Do: PhD student

    What SO Does: PhD student

    State of Relationship: engaged, but only 'privately', as we don't want to announce things too soon, before we get an engagement ring, so in some ways I still feel like I'm 'not-engaged-yet'

    How Long You've Been Together: 2 years, 4 months

    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): summer 2012 or 2013

    Fur Babies: sadly, none

    Favorite Color: grey

    Favorite Thing About Your SO: his whole-hearted commitment to everything he does: he really believes in doing everything he does as best he can, and can usually see the good things in the toughest situations

    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: he can be very stubborn

    Hobbies/Activities: my life is pretty much taken up with grad school right now, but I love staying fit and try to get to the gym or yoga classes on a regular basis; I also love cooking and trying new recipes

    Describe Your Personality: I'm curious and always wanting to learn and discover new things, but I tend to worry about the future too much and somtimes find it hard to see the 'bright side' of things

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 1 or 2

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I'm from Canada, he's from America, and we met in England, where we are doing our PhDs
  • hannahnolahannahnola member
    edited December 2011
    Ok I  finally got around to doing this, I recently started looking at the site about 2 wks ago. Sorry for posting on the board without answering about myself first, rude I know haha.

    Screen Name: Hannahnola, my name and I lived in New Orleans yrs ago, but kept same name for everything

    Age: 25

    Significant Other's Age: 34
    What You Do: Trying to find a permanent teaching position at the moment, while working on certification:

    State of Relationship: Very happy

    How Long You've Been Together: a little over 3 yrs

    Fur Babies: 1 peekapoo

    Favorite Color: depends what its for, clothes maybe black (slimming), pink for other stuff I guess

    Favorite Thing About Your SO: Hes so manly, and a country boy

    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: hunting season lol

    Hobbies/Activities:I like to ride horses, read books, garden

    Describe Your Personality:Loud, control freak, loyal, passionate and very much a people person

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): dont know what this means

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself:I am expecting an engagement ring any moment ince he purchased one 3 wks ago, thats why I started checking out TK haha.

  • thejessythejessy member
    edited December 2011
    Screen Name: thejinx
    Age: 27
    Significant Other's Age: 24
    What You Do: Flight attendant
    What SO Does: Flight attendant (I feel it's necessary for some background... I moved from US to Dubai in August to work for an airline and met him during training, he lived in my building. In November he left the company and went home to South Africa for personal/family related reasons and is now working for a local airline in SA. After 2 months of trying to work it out we decided we want to keep it going.. one of the toughest things I've ever had to do)
    State of Relationship: Despite being drastically long distance (I see him anywhere between 1-3 times a month for only 24 hours on my layovers), we are going pretty strong. My bf, who previously vowed to never get married, has now casually addressed me with his last name and mentioned that diamonds are cheap in S.A. :P I've looked into what the visa process would be like just to prepare myself.. 
    How Long You've Been Together: going on 8 months
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged):
    When You Got Married (if you're married):
    Fur Babies: I have a pound puggle, Lulu, back home. SO has 2 super cute pugs, Cheeky and Missy, and 2 kitties, Lola and Maltese.
    Favorite Color: purple and green
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: When we were living in the same building, he would come into my flat and leave me cute notes to find. I once came home from a flight he knew was very stressful for me to find a handwritten note on my door saying he had a small gift for me. He came over in pajamas with a tub of ice cream! Anyone can send a text but I love getting notes! Oh, and his sexy accent!
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: I'm a HUGE gamer and he's totally not!! I know that's not his fault, but still.. every ex has played at least a LITTLE BIT! He has agreed to at least try it with me.
    Hobbies/Activities: gaming, karaoke, journaling, travel, costuming
    Describe Your Personality: I'm generally in a good mood, I do like to be funny and witty and don't mind laughing at myself.
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 2. I don't care to get involved in nonsense and would rather just amuse myself by watching it all unfold but once in a while I will speak of if I find it necessary.
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I used to do pageants, so of course it's natural for me to be drawn to glitzy, glamorous gowns! :P
  • edited December 2011

    Screen Name: jedoublefdoubles because I'm Jess and he's Jeff!

    Age: 20, 21 next month

    Significant Other's Age: 21

    What You Do: Student, Business Communication and Special Events Management

    What SO Does: Student, Business Management

    State of Relationship: We have been living together officially for over a year

    How Long You've Been Together: 2 years

    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): We are not engaged yet, but we have discussed our future together. As of now, we have set an ideal date in Spring 2013.

    When You Got Married (if you're married): N/A

    Fur Babies: We do not have any fur babies together L

    Favorite Color: Green!

    Favorite Thing About Your SO: He is such a caring, understanding, goofball. I love that we can just be silly together and are still various serious about our life goals.

    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: He puts his dirty socks inside out in the hamper so when I do laundry I have to turn them right-side out.

    Hobbies/Activities: Reading, movies, I enjoy longboarding with my boyfriend; I love to cook/bake but rarely have time to. Paper crafts like cards.

    Describe Your Personality: I am a caring and compassionate person. I like to keep busy and enjoy learning new things.

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): I would say a 5 when needed.

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I really want to be in the events industry but we’ll see how it goes. In the mean time, after I graduate I want to take a couple more history courses and then start my Masters in Secondary Ed so I can teach middle school social studies. I consider myself a pescatarian, but I don’t really eat a whole lot of fish. I would love to try veganism but it is hard when living with a carnivore. I also try to only use non-animal tested products.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • hoffsehoffse member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    Screen Name: hoffse
    Age: 24
    Significant Other's Age: 23
    What You Do: 2nd year law student
    What SO Does: Classical composer and starting law school in the fall
    State of Relationship: Dating... until he gives me that ring he thinks I don't know he has... :)
    How Long You've Been Together: 6 years
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): May 2013
    When You Got Married (if you're married): N/A
    Fur Babies: Looking to rescue a puppy
    Favorite Color: Green
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: His creativity and his intelligence... he's a bit of a musical savant and the stuff he writes is really gorgeous.  He gets commissions from orchestras and chamber ensembles, etc.  I love being the first person to hear all of his creative ideas!
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: He's a very messy cook... but I suppose the fact that he cooks in the first place makes up for it?  That's what I tell myself.
    Hobbies/Activities: Dance, music, art
    Describe Your Personality: Quiet but with a pretty dry sense of humor once you get me going
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 3
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I once got diagnosed with this super rare and completely harmless eye condition that went away within a month... I was the 37th person to ever have it (that they knew of), and the doctor sent my data in for "medical research."  The only lasting effects were the photos from my high school graduation where only one eye is dialated.  Needless to say I'm hoping the wedding pics turn out better...  :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: ADTonk
    Age: 24
    Significant Other's Age: 32
    What You Do: Special Education Teacher
    What SO Does: Electrician
    State of Relationship: Living together and soon to be engaged
    How Long You've Been Together: Almost 7 years
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): Hopefully this Summer or Fall
    When You Got Married (if you're married):
    Fur Babies:
    2 cats - Zin and Pinot
    Favorite Color: Pink
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: That he doubles as a best friend and I can tell him anything.
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: His farts ;)
    Hobbies/Activities: Working on our house togeher, motorcycles, we're going skydiving soon!, riding quads
    Describe Your Personality: Quiet at first, a "closet-daredevil",  I'm a peacekeeper and I avoid conflict if I can, I try to give everyone a chance,
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): I'd say a 5.
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: Sort of under hobbies/activities but I just bought a motorcycle and I'm going skydiving very soon for SO's birthday!
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: NKP1988
    Sig.'s, Age:22
    State of Relationship: Dating (we are also highschool sweethearts, we have known each other nine years) 
    Favorite Color: Crimson
    Favorite thing about my SO: His honest and respect for myself and everyone around him
    Least favorite thing about my SO: haven't found it yet!
    Hobbies/Activities: between the both of us- movies, computer time, cars, working towards our goals, hanging out, reading, etc.
    My personality: I am someone who does everything I can to get closer to my goals (who doesn't? :) ). I work hard, go to school full time for Child Development, and help my family and friends. My dream is to be a young mother with a career working with children. I believe some people mature quicker than others, and I only say this because I know people will see my age and go "is she crazy?" or that i'm too young. Everyone has their opinions, I understand! I could elaborate, if asked.
    Snark Level: 1 (very laid back)
    Something interesting about myself: As you previously read, I love children. For a year and a half now, I have collected everything from boy's and girl's infant clothes, blankets and books regarding pregnancy, preemie information, water birth, etc. I want to be as prepared as possible!
  • cheetah77cheetah77 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Screen Name: cheetah77
    Age: 29
    Significant Other's Age: 35
    What You Do: Interactive Technology/Training
    What SO Does: Tech Services
    State of Relationship: Living together
    How Long You've Been Together: 2 years
    Fur Babies: 2 baby kitties, Daisy and Lola (Lola is my baby and I usually call her Creeper, Creepy or Wieny…or wienershnitzel….)
    Favorite Color: Pink
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: I know I can always count on him
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: he can relax and I have a hard time winding down
    Hobbies/Activities: Cooking, Fitness, NASCAR (go ahead, doesn’t hurt my feelings…)
    Describe Your Personality: Type A, get things done, work like crazy then party like a rockstar!
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): Varies. Think before you speak and don’t ask something you can Google.
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I’ve started pole dance classes, one of the most challenging and rewarding workouts I’ve ever done. I’m addicted and I think I look better than ever! I highly recommend it.
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: annabelle22


    Significant Other's Age: 35

    What You Do: Financial Services

    What SO Does: Engineer

    State of Relationship: Bliss

    How Long You've Been Together: a few months

    Favorite Color: Lilac

    Favorite Thing About Your SO: He makes me feel comfortable and free, very very funny and sweet, innocent

    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: He tends to put himself down sometimes

    Hobbies/Activities: home improvement, writing, cooking, fashion

    Describe Your Personality: Somewhat offbeat, sarcastic, ditzy, daydreamy, clumsy, awkward and awesome :-)

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 8

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I am very independent and actually have been engaged several times due to societal pressures & long term relationships. Never, ever, ever felt like I could go through with it until now. Called too many off. My family, despite the short relationship, is ecstatic. I sincerely feel like a miracle happened in my life and I thank God everyday that I met this man. I never even considered having a family but now it's all I can think about. If it were anyone else, I'd say they were crazy. I would marry him tomorrow in a heartbeat.
  • edited December 2011
    Hello all!

    Screen Name: Cdefran1
    Age: 24
    Significant Other's Age: 27
    What You Do: I'm a registered nurse but also in school for my masters to become a nurse practitioner.
    What SO Does: Materials Manager
    State of Relationship: Dating and happy! :)
    How Long You've Been Together: 1.5
    Fur Babies: My doberman passed away about a year ago, hoping to get a fur baby soon once the BF gets a house :)
    Favorite Color: Pink
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: He is so handsom and caring in nature. He can make me smile no matter what the situation is.
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: Hes cheubacca *spelling?* yawn haha
    Hobbies/Activities: Use to play and coach soccer, love the Phillies
    Describe Your Personality: I am very quite when you first meet me so I might come off aa bitch? if my silence is taken that way. I am open minded but opinionated. I am empathic and I give good advice (or atleast I think I do!).
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): HMMMmm lol idk, 5?
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: Currently, I am juggling work and school. I will graduate at the end of the summer. Me and the BF are also house hunting which isnt as fun as I would hope. And if you have house hunted, you know what I mean! I have posted on my local bored but thought I'd look into this board because you all seem so active and fun! haha :)
  • RyanBeansRyanBeans member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Screen Name: RyanBeans
    Age: 25
    Significant Other's Age: 29
    What You Do: Receptionist for Ophthalmologist
    What SO Does: Analytical Chemist, Instrumentation and Metrology
    State of Relationship: On the verge of moving in together
    How Long You've Been Together: 1.5 years
    Fur Babies: Dallas (Pomchi) and Molly (Mini Schnauzer)
    Favorite Color: Green
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: His sense of adventure
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: His forgetfulness
    Hobbies/Activities: Backpacking, scuba diving, kayaking,... taking it one adventure at a time.
    Describe Your Personality: Overly analytical, sensitive, and friendly.
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): I wish I knew what this meant.
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I have only owned green cars... I guess it's my thing.
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: Jennifermathews88
    Age: 23
    Significant Other's Age: 24
    What You Do: Small Business Owner
    What SO Does: Maintenance
    State of Relationship: Almost Engaged :) Rings Purchased
    How Long You've Been Together: 1 year
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): Date keeps changing
    Fur Babies: Zuko (Lhaso Apso/Terrior Mix)
    Favorite Color:Green
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: He makes me smile
    Hobbies/Activities: Hanging out watching tv, being random and spontaneous
    Describe Your Personality: Strange, random, unpredictable
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I live in FL, my SO lives in OH. I have actually enjoyed having a long distance relationship because had it not been long distance our lack of free time would have put a strain on things.
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: JMessier87

    Age: 23

    Significant Other's Age: 25

    What You Do: 2nd year law student

    What SO Does: Supervisor at a residential home for teens

    State of Relationship: Living together

    How Long You've Been Together: 4.5 years

    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): Hopefully sooner than later!

    When You Got Married (if you're married): N/A

    Fur Babies: 2 dogs-- a French Bulldog named Bailey and a Poodle/Dalmatian mix named Maddie-- and 2 guinea pigs named Gunther and Prescott

    Favorite Color: Pink

    Favorite Thing About Your SO: His patience, humor, and fun-loving spirit

    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO:  I have to do ALL the planning or nothing would ever get done!

    Hobbies/Activities: My puppies, cooking, traveling, and yoga.

    Describe Your Personality: Outgoing, ambitious, a dreamer.

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): I'd say about a 5

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I love horror movies!
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name:


    Significant Other's Age:

    What You Do:

    What SO Does:
    Mechanical Engineer

    State of Relationship:
    Engaged to be Engaged (Have gone ring shopping, just waiting for him to officially ask!)

    How Long You've Been Together:
    3 1/2 years

    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged):
    Hopefully soon!

    Fur Babies:
    Yorksie (Usually, its just Kitty)

    Favorite Color:

    Favorite Thing About Your SO:
    His cooking! Yummy traditional Chinese food

    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO:
    Rarely smiles! People are often afraid of him

    Photography, scrapbooking, teaching and spending time with our daughter (She's 2)

    Describe Your Personality:
    Kid-at-heart! If you walked into my classroom, you would never be able to tell me apart from the kids. Short and silly just like them!

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]):
    2 on a good day....maybe 5 on a bad!

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself:
    I hate avacados!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • samanthatardysamanthatardy member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Screen Name: samanthatardy

    Age: 20, soon to be 21

    Significant Other's Age: 22

    What You Do: I'm a full time student, finishing up my nursing prerequisites

    What SO Does: He is a youth minister

    State of Relationship: We have a mutual agreement that we are going to get married, but I don't have a ring yet.

    How Long You've Been Together: 3 months; love at first sight

    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): May 26, 2012

    When You Got Married (if you're married): N/A

    Fur Babies: I have an American Foxhound named Trixie, and he has a boxer named Dozer :)

    Favorite Color: Hmm, blue, yellow? It changes constantly.

    Favorite Thing About Your SO: His constant kindness and generosity.

    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: Don't have one.

    Hobbies/Activities: Photography, riding ATVs, cooking, reading, shopping...

    Describe Your Personality: I'm kind of controlling, but very kind. Intense about my career and family.

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 1, I'm definitely not snarky.

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: ...I'm pretty boring...
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: k+nickers (I would represent the 'k' part)

    Age:  27

    Significant Other's Age:  29

    What You Do:  Associate Veterinarian at a small animal hospital

    What SO Does:  Manager for the wholesale department of a car dealership

    State of Relationship:  Picked out a ring, going to purchase it on Saturday!  But SO would still like to surprise me with a proposal sometime in the next year...

    How Long You've Been Together:  About 3 years

    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged):  Probably sometime in 2013, but who knows...

    When You Got Married (if you're married):  I've actually been married and divorced before this current relationship

    Fur Babies:
    Well you can imagine, based on my profession, that I've got animals, but SO does as well.  Here's all 7 of them listed youngest to oldest :)
    1.  Diablo, aka Puma, 8 month old jet black neutered male kitty (rescue)
    2.  Rio, aka Bad Beagle, 1.5 year old neutered male Treeing Walker Coonhound (rescue)
    3.  Ellie, aka Boo Boo, 3 year old female spayed Black Lab/Pit Bull Mix (rescue)
    4.  Rhade, aka Biggie Man, 4 year old Yellow Lab (convinced a breeder not to use him for breeding because only one of his testicles dropped and took him for my own!)
    5.  Kitty, aka Big Girl, 6 year old female spayed brown tabby cat (rescue)
    6.  Dewey, aka Dewey Dewey Dumb Drop, 7 year old male neutered white and black kitty (rescue)
    7.  Hewey, aka Skinny Man, brother to Dewey (rescue)

    Favorite Color:  Green

    Favorite Thing About Your SO:  He loves animals just as much as I do!  Really the greatest thing is that his whole goal in life is to make me happy.  He is such a selfless person.  Being with him makes me a better person, because I've learned how to be more selfless also.

    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO:  He's a little hairy ;)

    Hobbies/Activities:  I used to play junior olympic volleyball back in the day.  I've gotten back into it by coaching little girl's teams.  I've also recently started a side business (to help with those student loan payments) as a stylist for Stella & Dot Jewelry.

    Describe Your Personality:  I can be shy or quiet at first and I let other people make the first move.  I wish I were more outgoing.  Once I'm comfortable with the people in my surroundings I get loud and can be the life of the party.  My favorite thing to do with SO is go shopping or have a drink at our "regular spot".

    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]):  3-I don't go out of my way to be mean or belittle someone, but if you say something out of line, don't expect me to sit idle.

    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself:  I have been married once before.  I got married too young and didn't listen to my mother.  My former husband was very controlling and I wasn't a strong enough person at that time to realize that things he was doing and saying to me were not acceptable.  Although it was a difficult experience, it only makes me appreciate the person that I am with all the more.

  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: trekkie girl
    Significant Other's Age:27
    What You Do:student/small business owner
    What SO Does:teacher/chef
    State of Relationship:waiting to get engaged
    How Long You've Been Together: 2.5 years
    Favorite Color: Red and Purple
    Favorite Thing About Your SO:kindest/smartest/funniest person I've ever known
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO:procrastination ( not just with proposing!!:)
    Hobbies/Activities:reading, travelling
    Describe Your Personality:open minded, driven
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]):5
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: I currently live and work in China with my boyfriend. We love it here, but are looking forward to settling down in North America. I have a small business exporting tea from China and Japan. I can't wait for my SO to propose and he keeps hinting that it might be sooner than I think...
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: pghRN
    Age: 21
    Significant Other's Age: 26
    What You Do: run a cafe with SO and am finishing a 4-year nursing program
    What SO Does: owns a new cafe which we are about to open!
    State of Relationship: living together/not yet engaged
    How Long You've Been Together: a little over a year
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): not engaged yet
    When You Got Married (if you're married): NA
    Fur Babies: orange tabby cat named layla
    Favorite Color: green
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: he lets go of things quick, especially fights
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: he is sometimes too optimistic about things
    Hobbies/Activities: i love the outdoors, running the cafe, taking care of people
    Describe Your Personality: i am very laid back and friendly, but i get offended easily by rude people and the claws come out
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 6?
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: i am currently the MOH in my best friend's wedding (so i will definitely be using TK for helping her also!) and i lurked on TK for about a month before getting this new account (for security reasons)
  • edited December 2011
    Screen Name: choephori
    Age: 25
    Significant Other's Age: 25
    What You Do: chemistry professor
    What SO Does: healthcare administrator (currently unemployed...)
    State of Relationship: long-distance, talking marriage in the next year or two
    How Long You've Been Together: 9 months dating, 10 years as best friends
    When You're Getting Married (if you're engaged): soon I hope?
    When You Got Married (if you're married): N/A
    Fur Babies: N/A -- want a family of puppies though!
    Favorite Color: purple/silver
    Favorite Thing About Your SO: the way his eyes light up when a topic that he's intererested in comes up in conversation
    Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: how obsessive he can get about tech gadgets and toys...
    Hobbies/Activities: creative writing, running, video games!
    Describe Your Personality: told I'm a bunny and rainbows type of girl -- generally happy and a little bit spastic
    Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): 3
    Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: recovering WoW addict (3 years clean and running, woohoo!)
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