Wedding Etiquette Forum

Holiday Confessions


Re: Holiday Confessions

  • Re: commercialism.  I hate that my MIL thinks that if she can't get us a bunch of stuff, she can't get us anything.  She just says over and over how sorry she is she can't get us anything and it just makes me feel so guilty.  Because for me- if I made cookies and chocolate covered pretzels for you and gave them to you, that is good enough because it was from my heart and hands.  I'm not apologizing for not giving you something I bought in a box at the store.

  • I am writing a blog post right now about how it drives me crazy when people say that they love celebrating Christmas outside the US because it's less commercial. No it isn't. The mall was PACKED in Chile all last week. People just spend less because they have less money overall, but there is just as much commercialism, and I think rather than being "US=bad, all other countries=good" it's very much about your family.

    My family did lots of presents, but I always felt like they were thoughtful ones, which to me is the point. Ugly box from H's aunt? That to me is far more "well it's Christmas and we have to buy something" commercial, even if it was less expensive.
  • Awww Oskie!  Who needs thumbs when you have a dad to do all the gift opening.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • H just sent me this...apparently X knew we were talking about her and she's requesting a belly rub.

  • If it was up to me, I wouldn't do presents at all. But then EVERYONE in our families would think I hated them. No, I just hate all this stupid pointless present buying.
  • ldygtr-- Your lab is too cute :) I have a chocolate lab pup and I love their big toothy smiles :)

    andy-- I just got my pup spayed throgh MNSNAP, it was great being able to afford the spay without breaking the bank! Since I'm in school, it was a relief to find such a great organization that does this. I also got her a mini-chip during the process as well.

    She likes to get really close up when I'm on the knot just to see if she can help out:

  • musicalsunlight - thanks!! BTW, I'm glad you got your precious baby fixed - she's cute and all, but spaying helps animals from getting forms of cancer too. I'm also told (however, I can't confirm where I heard this) that it'll help with hip displaysia that labs often get (I know my girl's got it). It will also help her chill out a little later on. H never got X spayed but I wish he had - because now it's going to cost an arm and a leg to get it done. Our local spay and neuter place won't do dogs over 7 and X is 9. It sucks.
  • musical!  That made my heart happy!  Yay!!!  I'm so glad you were able to get the services you needed and your puppy looks quite happy.
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  • Pink - think that's something you could work on starting somehow? You seem like the type of person who could really make something like that happen.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Holiday Confessions</a>:
    [QUOTE] I'm so tempted to take SIL's pitbull that has had 6 litters already to get spayed. I know for a fact that some of those dogs have been faught - BIL has pictures of it and shows them off because he's proud of "his dogs." Vomit.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    <div>This makes me see red. Someone needs to take that dog away STAT. </div><div>Actually it sounds like ALL those dogs need to be taken away.</div>
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • LDY, you need to report what your BIL is doing with those dogs.  I think dog fighting is a felony now. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • As of 2 years ago, yes it is a felony in every state.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Holiday Confessions</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'd rather my money go to the deadbeats that don't need it in order to ensure that those who really do, get the help they need. One thing that really bothers me about welfare is that it's not really a workable system. I mean, the free healthcare is AWESOME. Best part abotu it. But the thing is, you get so much a month. You're allowed to have a job and make x amount. If you make more than X, you lose your welfare. But that X amount is no where close enough to live on. It's a total catch 22. *For those that are really trying to get ahead.
    Posted by louisvillebride21[/QUOTE]

    I completely agree with this.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec45a3c0-4b3a-4af4-88a4-16051397692cPost:3f4adb3a-2cfd-4dcd-9dfe-73a9a1832a1f">Re: Holiday Confessions</a>:
    [QUOTE]Pink - think that's something you could work on starting somehow? You seem like the type of person who could really make something like that happen.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    We are trying!  There was one spay/neuter clinic in the spring (before I needed the services of course) but we had a local vet donate his services that day to the shelter.  We've been fundraising for a monthly clinic and hopefully it will happen for 2011. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I've talked about this actually with a cop friend of mine, he seems think that BIL won't get charged with anything because HE isn't fighting these dogs and these dogs aren't in Mississippi (I think they are in AL?). His dogs are just breeding machines. It's so sad.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec45a3c0-4b3a-4af4-88a4-16051397692cPost:e39f001a-878a-4da5-9ad9-8bdf0760b107">Re: Holiday Confessions</a>:
    [QUOTE]Definitely agree, GA. It seems like the ones that ARE funded aren't used nearly enough - there's so little advertising for them - at least there one here in town. No one that I tell about them has ever heard of them! I'm so tempted to take SIL's pitbull that has had 6 litters already to get spayed. I know for a fact that some of those dogs have been faught - BIL has pictures of it and shows them off because he's proud of "his dogs." Vomit.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    I'd have already reported him. BIL or not.
  • other news, because now I'm really mad at myself and I'm trying to think of a way to tell H "Yeah, I'm gonna turn your BIL in...sorry, dont hate me. You should have gotten me an effing Christmas present jackass."

    H is trying to take me to see "Tron" in 3D tonight. I'm a nerd and all...but I dont think I'm nerdy enough to see Tron and not want to pluck my eyeballs out...thoughts?
  • We have a spay/neuter clinic just up the street from my work that does a sliding scale.  When I got my kitty while in college, they spayed her for $25.  There's also Planned Pethood, which is cheap too.  We're big animal lovers in Colorado :)

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec45a3c0-4b3a-4af4-88a4-16051397692cPost:ae2bf709-75ca-48b8-9790-4b09ae18e544">Re: Holiday Confessions</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've talked about this actually with a cop friend of mine, he seems think that BIL won't get charged with anything because HE isn't fighting these dogs and these dogs aren't in Mississippi (I think they are in AL?). His dogs are just breeding machines. It's so sad.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    What a lousy cop if he isn't interested in pursing the case or alerting the feds.  I would think that by investigating your BIL would lead cops to find who is purchasing these dogs for possible fighting.  And if BIL has pictures that he is showing off I would assume he would somehow be involved to take said pictures. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • ldygtr- I agree that the spay is a great way to go, and I couldn't imagine doing it any other way. I think my pup is cute and all, and probably would make adorable babies but there is no way I would be able to dedicate the time and energy to making sure the puppies got to the best homes possible, etc. At least not in this time of my life.

    andy-- It was a great experience, being able to do it all for just $80! I'm very grateful for the services here in MN :)
  • Good call, Pink. I'm so scared to alert someone since he is BIL and all. Especially since this county doesn't allow Pits. He has them registered as Labs. The same cop friend said that if the dog isn't registered as a Pit they can't do anything about it. Doesn't make any effing sense to me.
  • Kiki that's pretty cool, does the clinic operate on normal hours or is it a weekly/monthly thing?
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Holiday Confessions</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good call, Pink. I'm so scared to alert someone since he is BIL and all. Especially since this county doesn't allow Pits. He has them registered as Labs. The same cop friend said that if the dog isn't registered as a Pit they can't do anything about it. Doesn't make any effing sense to me.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    <div>The breed doesn't matter. Dog fighting is dog fighting. </div>
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I know right?! He's not exactly a friend I guess - more like the brother in law of the guy who owned the bar I used to work in lol. He's a pretty lazy guy. I think he's a moron. But I'm worried that's the general concensus of the cops around here. It seems like they don't care unless it's meth related.
  • I think Hasselhoff is the best dog name I've EVER heard.

    and Yes, Salt. You're right. I just find it extra silly that since BIL could get in trouble solely because he has these dogs in his posession in a county where he can't have them, the cops still won't go after him for it and the dogfighting connections. It's like another nail in his coffin.

    Chances are they'd also find the marijuana plant in his closet too. BIL Is a gem.
  • LOL, we named him David Hasselhoff when we got him because we thought it would be super hilarious to correct him for things by name.  "David Hasslehoff, don't hump that dog!"  We were right.  It was even funnier when Johnny did it.  I said at one point "I just really hope that David Hasselhoff (the real one) doesn't go off and do something horrible to sully our dog's good name."  A few weeks later...the cheeseburger video.

    I'm really pissed to read that there are counties that ban certain breeds.  They should be more concerned with who they allow to own dogs, not with the breed of the dogs. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:ec45a3c0-4b3a-4af4-88a4-16051397692cPost:b2eb7193-26a3-4fb7-874b-8a5d4c428db2">Re: Holiday Confessions</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think Hasselhoff is the best dog name I've EVER heard. and Yes, Salt. You're right. I just find it extra silly that <strong>since BIL could get in trouble solely because he has these dogs in his posession in a county where he can't have them</strong>, the cops still won't go after him for it and the dogfighting connections. It's like another nail in his coffin. Chances are they'd also find the marijuana plant in his closet too. BIL Is a gem.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    That'd be reason enough for me to call Animal Control. If the cops don't care, I'm sure they can do something about it.
  • I agree with that, Mel. Irresponsible pet owners are the issue. Not the breed. I'm not a pit hater. I'm a stupid pit owner hater. I'm also a stupid chihuahua owner hater.
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